How to Relieve Aches and Pains from Desk Working

6th October 2021

Working at a desk all day can leave you with various aches and pains. You can often be hunched over, it’s tough on your wrists, and you’re sitting in one position all day. When you get home, you might feel the effects of it in your shoulders, neck, back, and elsewhere. But if you feel these aches and pains after being at work all day or even while still sitting at your desk, you could take steps to feel better. Both preventing and treating your pain can help you to continue working at your desk without it having such a negative effect on you.

Move at Your Desk

When you’re tied to your desk all day, you don’t get much chance to move around. But staying in one position can get pretty uncomfortable. Even though you might not be able to go far, you can do some exercise while you’re at your desk. You can stretch, lift some light weights, or use your desk or chair as a support while you do some exercises. You can even have a desk cycle underneath your desk, which you can use to keep your legs moving. If you can, try to get up and walk around sometimes too.


Set Up Your Workspace Correctly

Your workspace setup is an essential thing to consider if you work at a desk. You should have a comfortable space that’s set up to support the right posture and relieve pressure points. You could consider things like an ergonomic chair and a standing desk, which can both help you to be more comfortable. You should have a desk and chair that are the right height for you, enabling you to put your feet flat on the floor. Adjust your chair so that it works for you and allows you to sit and type (or write or draw) comfortably.

Use Natural Remedies

If you want something to relieve your aches and pains, turning to natural remedies could be the best option for you. There are various options out there to help you soothe any pain that you have. You can try CBD balm as a topical treatment when you’ve got aching muscles. There is some suggestion that it can help to manage pain. Hot and cold therapy can be a good idea too. Generally, you should use cold for new pain and heat for old pain. However, if you have aching muscles rather than an injury, heat is often the best choice. You could also try powdered kratom for pain relief and help to relax aching muscles. If this is something you are interested in, there are plenty of resources online that you can check out to learn more about kratom and make an informed decision about whether this could be a good option for you. 

Be More Active

Another way to improve the aches and pains caused by desk working is to be more active in general. If you’re sitting at a desk all day and then you’re sedentary when you go home, it’s not going to help you. Try to get more exercise when you can so that you’re stronger and you can keep your joints healthy. Strengthening your core can help you to improve your posture and prevent back pain.

Get rid of the aches and pains from desk working by taking preventative measures and using the right treatments.

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