Skincare Trends to Look Out for in 2021

14th December 2020

For much of this year, many people have been looking forward to when the clock strikes midnight, and the calendar rolls over to January 2021. The challenges of 2020 have created a collective sense of hope that next year will provide happier times. With that in mind, lots of us have been looking at what we can expect next year in different areas of life.

Today we’re going to look at what 2021 has in store for skincare. Looking after your skin is a vitally important part of life, and if we can be pleased about one thing this year, it could be how the challenges everyone has faced highlighted the importance of looking after our health. To help us look forward, we spoke with Tania Zahoor Rashid one of the founders of Aesthetics Lab. This award-winning cosmetic clinic in London offers various skincare and body treatments such as microneedling and laser hair removal among many more.

General trends

Based on what has been popular this year with skincare products, Tania believes there are a few general trends that will continue into 2021 and beyond. The most notable are natural products that are cruelty-free and using sustainable ingredients will continue to rise in popularity.

The awareness of consumers as to what is in the products we are using has risen significantly over the last 5 or 10 years. This has driven manufacturers to produce products that are more in line with what today’s consumers want. This means excellent products that we can feel good about using. Vegan products are also seeing an increase in popularity, which is likely to continue well past 2021 as more and more people move towards a vegan lifestyle.

At-home treatments

With COVID-19 still likely to impact our lives going into 2021, some people may still be hesitant about going to cosmetic clinics to have in-person treatments. As a result, at-home treatments will be popular. Tania explained that “at-home peels, sheet masks, various beauty tools as well as LED light therapy masks should prove popular”. This is because, “people would want to try and replicate their in-clinic experiences as much as possible and treat their skin, especially if their concerns are acne, pigmentation, etc. that requires a dedicated treatment plan”.

One-off in-clinic treatments

For those people who are happy and able to go into clinics for treatments, Tania expects there to be more of an emphasis on skin treatments that only require one session. This was something Aesthetics Lab noticed this year and envisage continuing in 2021. “These treatments are expensive but are not required to be done as part of a course”, Tania said. “Customers feel more confident knowing they pay for something that they can receive there and then and will benefit from results in the long term”. Some examples of treatments that would fall under this category are treatments like HIFU Ultraformer, fillers and anti-wrinkle injections, all of which are very popular according to Tania. Furthermore, laser hair removal is also gaining popularity. You can learn more information here.

Treatments to help your skin with mask soreness

Masks will continue to be a part of our lives going forward into 2021. Because of this, our skincare routines may face new challenges. For those who have to wear a mask for extended periods each day, this can cause breakouts to develop on your skin. “To keep breakouts at bay, we would recommend tackling the very bacteria that causes these” Tania said, “so treatments like IPL, LED light therapy, as well as exfoliating peels such as salicylic acid peel, would be great”.

Tania also highlighted the importance of changing your mask every 4 hours and washing your masks each day if they are reusable. “This is key to keep the breakouts at bay. Detergent can, unfortunately, irritate the skin, so using a detergent that is suitable for sensitive skin should help with this” Tania advised.

Hopefully, these points about skincare trends to look out for in 2021 will help you prepare for next year, and you can make it an excellent year for your skin and general health!

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