How to Start Bringing Sexy Back After Menopause

29th March 2021



Menopause is an aspect of female health that we all know about and, as much as possible, we spend our adult lives somewhat preparing for what that means. But, for many of us, menopause is one of those things that seems a long way off, an issue for another day that, really, we don’t need to worry about.

Unfortunately, for the 5% of women with early-onset menopause, the much-dreaded time comes far sooner than they could have ever anticipated. And, it brings those so-called distant bodily changes right along with it.

Unfortunately, those changes can seem so much harder to deal with because of their early arrival. As such, alongside all the feelings of ‘this isn’t fair,’ and ‘why me,’ it’s all too easy to feel like your body is betraying you.

This is no way to the self-love which is just as, if not more, important given what you’re going through. Hence why, instead of letting your self-love spiral, you need to keep it topped up in the following ways.


Do what you need to feel good

You’ve been through an undeniably difficult time, and your body hasn’t exactly been a huge help throughout. As such, this is a time in life when you should do whatever you need to feel better about yourself. Forget the ‘natural is best’ army, and get a little heavier on the makeup if it makes you feel more confident. Or, if your post-menopausal skin fails to get you glowing, don’t beat yourself up if a facelift seems like the right option for you. Or, perhaps you’d prefer to simply buy yourself a load of new outfits that work with your body as it is now. Either way; you need to take this time to find new ways to feel yourself, whatever form that takes.


Change as your body changes

Menopause is equivalent only to our teenage years in terms of the changes it can bring to our bodies. And, just as it did in our teenage years, this change requires shifts in our behaviour. Most notably, you’ll find that your body has different physical capabilities. You need to listen to that and shift your actions accordingly. Serve yourself smaller (or larger) portions if your appetite has changed, and switch to a less demanding exercise routine if you’re struggling to keep up. Either way; stop pushing yourself with your premenopausal capabilities in mind.


Look after yourself



When we’re kids, we can get away with hangovers, poor diet, and a lack of sleep far better than as adults, and this becomes, even more, the case once your body has experienced menopause. As your hormone levels dip, your body’s ability to heal will certainly take a hit, and you need to respect that. Take this time to get on top with a decent amount of sleep, or finally manage a nutritious diet at last. Even just shifting your bedtime to before you feel exhausted should help you feel a whole lot happier in a body that, right now, needs your tender loving care.

This is a collaborative post.

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