Female Health: How to Stay Healthy From the Inside Out

10th March 2021

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), your gender has a huge impact on your health. Yes, you read that right; being a man or a woman determines how careful you should be with your health. 


Women’s health is becoming a prime concern in many societies for lots of reasons. Did you know that women are much more vulnerable to HIV or Aids? Not only this, but you’ll be shocked to know that in 2017 around 295,000 women died of maternal causes. Also, sadly, in 2018 more than 312,000 passed away due to cervical cancer. This is why it’s so important that women take care of their health as much as possible.

So, here’s how women can help themselves to be healthy from the inside out and live a long and happy life.


The ovaries are a crucial part of the female reproductive system. Basically, women have two ovaries that are responsible for producing eggs and hormones like oestrogen and progesterone. They are located on both sides of the uterus in the lower abdomen.

But sometimes, due to various reasons, a cyst (fluid-filled sac) can develop on any one of the ovaries. In fact, according to renowned gynaecologists, these cysts develop at least once in many women’s lifetime. Many of these cysts are painless and show no symptoms and often they are completely harmless and can go away on their own. However, it’s important to get them checked out.

With the help of a pelvic examination, the doctor will examine you and can detect an ovarian cyst. If there is any swelling on any of the ovaries, an ultrasound test can be performed to confirm its presence. The doctor will tell you about the cyst and help you manage it initially so that it doesn’t cause any problem in the future.


Hormonal imbalance is pretty common among women these days. From fatigue to gaining weight unnaturally, hormonal balance can be blamed for many unwanted symptoms. Itchy skin and mood swings are also prime causes of such imbalance. 

According to a naturopathic physician, Karen Threlkel, all the hormones, including stress or sex hormones are interconnected. Women generally take them for granted when they are perfectly balanced. But that might not be the case with you. 

This imbalance takes place when the production of any of the hormones is either too much or too little. Some of the symptoms of hormonal problems are:

If you feel that you are having these hormonal issues, consult your doctor as soon as possible and get them treated right away.

Final Words

Apart from these care tips mentioned above, it is also important to learn about menstruation and menopause as a woman and the changes you will go through. Always try to eat healthily, keep exercising and moving your body regularly and try to get routine checkups to ensure that everything in the body is working as it should be.

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