Five Ways To Make Your Home More Sustainable In 2023

10th February 2023

Sustainability is something we could all benefit from doing this year and beyond. Our world certainly has been impacted by our use of it and slowly but surely, we’re doing permanent damage that may be unfixable for future generations.

To help ensure future generations get the opportunity to enjoy the world we live in, it’s useful to implement sustainable methods and practices that positively contribute to the environment. Not only that but they can be beneficial financially to households too. Here are five ways to make your home more sustainable this year.


Start growing your own produce in your backyard

If you’re wanting to achieve sustainability in your home this year, there’s nothing more sustainable than growing your own produce. From vegetables to fruits and herbs, if you put your mind to it, you can grow pretty much anything in your garden. 

Of course, there are some vegetables and fruits that you may struggle to grow in the climate you’re located in but you can certainly shave down a lot of your weekly grocery shops by growing more produce in your garden instead.

Reduce your expenditures on new furniture or products

There’s a lot of wastage happening in the manufacturing of furniture and products in general. Not everyone is getting the full use out of their furniture, clothing, and other belongings in the same way that they used to.

As a result, a lot of this well-made furniture that’s still in good nic is being taken to the scrap yard. At the very least, it should be going to a local charity to pass on to those who need it.

Reduce your expenditures by spending less on new furniture and reusing furniture that’s second-hand instead.

Recycle more where possible

To help improve recycling in the home, try to find more ways to recycle. It’s not just the packaging your food comes in or the deliveries you get through the door but everything else in your home. For example, electrical goods can be recycled through the proper means without simply being thrown in the trash.

Aim to recycle more where you can if you find you’re still chucking out a lot of waste as a household.

Collect rainwater to save on water usage

The use of slimline tanks is something you want to consider when trying to be more sustainable in your home. Rainwater is common in many areas of the world and the more rainfall you have, the more beneficial these tanks will be.

If you’re looking to reduce your utility bills, then you can certainly invest in a water tank to help with this.

Minimize energy use to save bills and reduce carbon footprint

Finally, make a conscious effort the minimize your energy bills by turning off lights and using the heating sparingly where possible. The more you can minimize the energy, the more you can save when it comes to your bills and reducing the carbon footprint of your household.

These tips should all help to contribute to a more sustainable household and a sustainable society in general.

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