How to Regain Muscle Mass as You Age

21st June 2022

The process of building muscles is the same regardless of age. However, as you age, the biological processes that transform exercise into muscle mass slow down and become less effective. The result is a loss of muscle mass. With a lower muscle mass, it becomes easier to break a bone when you trip over something and fall. Despite seeming like the odds are against you if you are old, there are ways to regain muscle mass as you age. Here are some tips you can use as an older person to build that muscle mass.

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How to Regain Muscle Mass as You Age

Believe it is possible

First, you should not lose all hope of building muscle and give in to an unhealthy body. Changing your mindset is a simple concept that produces significant results. Don’t accept that muscle mass is a normal part of ageing. Ensure that you question all those myths about age and muscle gain. When you believe that it is possible, you will find the motivation to get outside your comfort zone and work hard for the body of your dreams. If you have trouble finding inspiration, browse online for older bodybuilders and be encouraged by their rock-solid physiques, age notwithstanding. 

Strength training and weight lifting

Most people focus on aerobic exercises when they age. The preference is mainly because aerobic exercises improve heart health and minimise the risk of heart attacks, strokes and heart disease. While it is commendable, it is not the only exercise for older people. Resistance training is an excellent way to reverse muscle loss. Incorporate strength training two to three times a week. You will not only increase your muscle mass.
You will also improve your flexibility, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, avoid obesity, improve back strength, and gain glycemic control. Do not feel the need to lift the heaviest weights at the gym. Follow a progressive strength training program that will introduce you to weight gradually. Starting slow and growing from there will help you avoid injury. Also, consider adding compound exercise movements that will work for more than one muscle group at a go. You could also do strength training with just your body weight. Exercises like planks are great for building muscle in the core and biceps.  

Seek professional advice

Growing muscle mass in your 50s is no easy feat. You need all the help you can get. Try to seek professional advice from a healthcare provider and a fitness trainer. They will advise you on the best strategies for building muscle mass without compromising your health. A fitness trainer will guide you on correct posture. They will also ensure that you do not lift more weight than your body can handle. That way, you can steer clear of injuries. 

Consider hormone therapy

Hormones play an integral role in our bodies. Testosterone, for instance, helps increase muscle mass. Testosterone increases muscle mass by encouraging protein synthesis. Its levels peak during adolescence and early adulthood. Unfortunately, the levels gradually dip with age. Low testosterone is a common ageing symptom that results in lower muscle mass. 

A little testosterone boost should help you regain muscle long after your youthful heydays. Find a place where you can get TRT delivered hassle-free and start your journey of building muscle.  It will help you get back in shape plus you will be able to stay active and vibrant even as you age.  

Increase your protein intake

Proteins aid in muscle fibre growth. The body, through protein synthesis, turns amino acids into muscle protein. Protein in your diet encourages protein synthesis by increasing amino acid levels in the body for manufacturing muscle protein. Take more than the recommended grams of protein per kg of body weight every day. Increase your intake of lean red meat, poultry, dairy and eggs. Consider supplementing if you have trouble getting more protein from your diet. Whey protein shakes are great for muscle building. 

Get enough Vitamin D

The body needs sufficient nutrients to build muscle. Vitamin D is one of the essential nutrients the body requires. It boosts muscle performance for older adults. Get a blood test to see if your Vitamin D levels are at par. If low, try to get a few minutes of direct sunlight. Also, eat more egg yolks, sardines, salmon and tuna. You could also take vitamin D supplements if you cannot get enough of them from your diet. It is best to take calcium too to help in vitamin D absorption.

Maintain a healthy weight

Most people gain weight with age. That increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, early death and physical disability. Also, excess weight makes it harder to engage in physical activity necessary for building muscle mass. Get the weight down using cardio exercises. It is easier to incorporate a strength training routine at a healthy weight. Opt for healthier food options. Avoid processed junk foods and sugary stuff. 

A healthy metabolic function in older adults depends on retaining muscle mass. Muscle mass also boosts strength and mobility. That helps in preventing chronic illnesses and encouraging independence. You can leverage some of the tips above to help build muscle even as you age.

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