Creating the Perfect Learning Environment for Your Child

18th May 2023

Mathematics can be a challenging subject for many children, causing them to struggle with comprehension and performance. Did you know that many children perceive discomfort and fear about maths from their closest social connections, including parents, neighbours, and friends? To put it simply, their social environment may have already contributed to their maths struggle by setting it as an expectation. This can drive anxiety, which means that children will approach maths with fear. 


Other frequent issues can be linked to missing some of the foundations and then being unable to compensate. As learning is cumulative, if the foundations are missing, the child can’t build new learning. 

Finally, learning differences, such as dyscalculia or ADHD, can also affect your child’s ability to perform in maths. 

Regardless of the underlying challenge, there is no denying that parents play a huge role in making maths more accessible to their children. As a parent, you can help your child master maths. Finding educational support and making time in your schedule to be there with them can be crucial. But there is another factor that can make a great deal of difference, and it is the creation of a positive and encouraging learning environment. 

What does the ideal learning environment include? If you are thinking of a chair and a desk, you are right. But there is more to designing a learning space. 

The importance of noise management

Research has revealed that a noisy environment can have a detrimental effect on learning outcomes. Noise can be disruptive, causing distractions, hindering concentration, and impeding effective information processing.

So, it is essential to establish your child’s learning environment in a quiet spot at home. There can be different techniques, including: 

The role of scents

Scents have a profound impact on our emotions and well-being. Several industry sectors use scents as a marketing technique to boost customer satisfaction and sales, such as with a retail or hotel scent machine. Some scents can be beneficial in creating a soothing and relaxing environment, which can be useful for children experiencing maths anxiety. Chamomile, lavender, and eucalyptus are some of the most commonly used. 

Make sure to introduce regular breaks

It is tempting to push through and get it done sooner. But in reality, if your child is struggling with a maths problem, enduring it longer isn’t going to help them solve it faster.

Breaks are essential to manage stress levels. Maths is stressful for a lot of children because of their social environment. When maths is perceived as a tough subject that everybody fears, facing maths challenges will only bring the fear to the surface. They can get agitated, frustrated, and become unable to maintain coherent thinking. So, if your child struggles, encourage them to take regular breaks every 20 to 30 minutes for mental rejuvenation and stress relief. 

There is no such thing as one learning environment design that you can copy. Defining what works for your child will take some testing. However, it will be worth your efforts and patience. 

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