How Do Lifestyle Choices Affect a Child’s Education?

28th April 2020

All parents want the best for their kids, particularly when it comes to their learning experience. There are numerous things that we can do to help them with their homework and revision. We can also guide them to make the right decisions and can even motivate them to try their best. However, ensuring they make healthy lifestyle also plays a part in their education. A preparatory school in Notting Hill has done the research to help us understand more.


A Healthy Diet

Ensuring your child starts their day with a nutritious breakfast will set them on the right path. It will keep their energy levels up, giving them the ability to concentrate and stay alert during class. You should also send them to school with a bottle of water because if they become dehydrated, they will become sluggish and unable to focus. Sugary snacks will also lead to a similar sort of ‘crash’, so try and replace sweets and chocolate with fruit and veg. 

Regular Exercise

Exercise has many physical and mental benefits. It’s an effective way to improve memory and attention, reduce stress and help with overall learning. If your child doesn’t naturally get enough exercise, you could encourage them to join an extra-curricular club, such as dance or sport, so that they are moving around and stretching during the week.

8 – 9 Hours’ Sleep

Anyone not getting enough sleep will find it difficult to focus on tasks. What’s more, a lack of sleep can actually temporarily weaken the part of the brain that deals with problem-solving, planning and organisation, which are all necessary skills for children at school. With this in mind, make sure your child gets to bed at a reasonable time so that they are getting a minimum of 8 hours’ sleep each night. Encourage them to switch off their digital devices long before bedtime so that their brain has a chance to switch off. 

If you require any additional support or advice on how to help improve your child’s chances of succeeding in school, don’t be afraid to contact their teachers as they will be more than happy to help.

This is a collaborative post.

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