Helping Your Kids Revise for Exams

28th April 2020

Children aren’t usually fond of exams but, unfortunately, they are an unavoidable part of school life. Parents can help their youngsters cope with the pressure of exams and revision, as explored below by an independent school in Taunton. There are various things you can do, and you don’t necessarily have to be great at the subject yourself in order to help.


Start by adopting a positive attitude towards your child’s education. Praise them when you notice them working hard, as the effort they put in is far more important than the results at the end. Exam period is a stressful time for young people and with the current pandemic, they are experiencing a lot of turmoil. With that said, it’s up to you to help lift their spirits where possible, so that they don’t crumble under the pressure.

One beneficial thing you can do to help your son or daughter is to prepare a revision timetable with them prior to the exam period. The earlier you do this, the more ready your child will feel when they enter the exam room. Together you can think about any subject areas your child might have been struggling with, based on reports and feedback from teachers, and add in a little extra revision time for those topics into the timetable.  Encourage your child to take regular breaks during their revision, and factor this into the timetable. Research has found that little and often is the best approach, rather than long sluggish hours.

Another way to help your child with their revision, and learning in general, is to figure out which of the three main learning styles is the best fit for them. By understanding this, you can ensure they have all of the appropriate tools and equipment and you will be able to adjust the ways in which you relay information to them.

During the exam period, make sure your child gets enough sleep and exercise and is eating a healthy, balanced diet. If they do not, they will not only find it harder to concentrate, they are also at greater risk of getting sick.

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