Eye-catching Ideas to Consider for Your Modern Home Decor

29th October 2021

Times change, so do trends. Although it’s not as rapid for home decor as it is with fashion, there are innovations and preferences in our interiors that were not in existence decades ago. And if you’re one for staying up-to-date, then it’s no wonder you’re looking for the latest eye-catching features to incorporate into your modern home design.

So, without further ado, let’s discuss a few.

1. Fiberglass windows

Although fiberglass was created in the 1920s, fiberglass windows didn’t become a staple until much more recently. We can attribute it to the fact that homeowners are more energy conscious than ever before. If you’re an energy-conscious individual, then fiberglass window installation ideally should be on your watch list. That’s because fiberglass windows are about 15% more energy efficient than even vinyl. You wouldn’t need to worry about undesirable heat transfer during winter or summer due to their low thermal conductivity, so you can save on insulation and heating.

Fiberglass is also eight times stronger than vinyl windows, and there are so many styles, colours, and sizes you can choose from.

2. Rugs

We’ve grown very used to walking on wooden and tiled floors but try walking on a velvety rug. The feeling is something else. Now, more people are switching from bare floors to rugs, not just for the feel but also for the added aesthetics they offer. You don’t have to cover up your entire living room; just a rug placed centrally within the sitting area is outstanding. You also have a plethora of colours, patterns, and textures to choose from. Select what works well with your modern home decor.

3. Panoramic photographs

Artworks in living spaces have been a staple since time immemorial. You find wealthy people buying a hundred thousand dollar valued Rembrandt just to place above their fireplace. But now, we don’t have to spend so much. You can print out a panoramic photograph on your iPhone and place it in your living space or above your bed. Or else, purchase one displaying nature or anything that embodies some meaning to you. Hanging up panoramic photography is becoming a trend and an exceptionally appealing one in its own right.

4. Designer storage

Now more than ever, people are looking towards being more productive and efficient, and one way is by organizing your space. Clutter in the home can feel overwhelming and dampen your mood. Hence, the need for storage has prompted the development of storage as an essential design element in modern homes. Having a flexible storage system will not only help keep your stuff organized but also do so beautifully.

Think about closet organisers that you can expand and modify anytime according to your ever-changing storage needs.

5. Less is more

One trendy design that’s gradually stealing the show is the minimalist decor. Here, your focus is on colour and structure rather than bringing in a plethora of accessories. Whether the place is small or large, you get the basic furniture you need for day-to-day living and keep everything else stored away, clutter-free.

While some people feel that a multitude of accessories is what makes a space eye-catching, some argue that it is less. In all, moderation matters, but it boils down to your taste and how functional you want your home to be.

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