4 Ways to Ramp Up Your Social Media Engagement in 2023

14th December 2022

Whether you are using social media as a marketing tool for your business, a personal branding effort, or even just as part of a creative endeavour, there are a lot of things you can do to improve the way that you use it. One of the main vectors you’ll always want to focus on is something called engagement, which refers to the number of interactions you get in all their forms – comments, likes, and shares. So here are some of the best ways that you can hope to ramp up your social media engagement in the coming year.


Post Useful & Entertaining Content

In short, if you want people to engage with your social media feed, then you need to post content that is, well, engaging. That usually means that it either needs to entertain or educate, or ideally both. Content which achieves this, and which does so quickly, is going to be engaged with so much more effectively than content which just doesn’t need to exist at all. So above all, make sure that whatever you are posting on your feeds is valuable and that people can get a lot out of it. You’ll find that helps a great deal.

Improve Video Production Quality

There’s no doubt that incorporating videos into some of your posts is a really good idea: the statistics do indeed show that videos and images tend to be shared more than social media posts that are only text, even on text-dominated sites like Twitter. So the quality of the videos you post is important as well, and the better produced they are, the more widely they will be shared. It’s always worth checking out the likes of fable studios, who can help ensure that your videos are as good as possible at all times.

Be Authentic

Your audience is likely to be much savvier than you think, and they can smell fakery a mile off. If you want to improve your engagement figures, it’s therefore vital that you are as authentic as possible in how you present yourself and your life. Particularly at the moment, people are trusting social media less and less, so being real in this way is going to work in your favour, especially going into 2023 and beyond. Try to avoid the old-school tactics of making everything look perfect – that’s really not what people want to see anymore.

Aim For Consistency

Finally, it must be said that consistency is hugely important too. You need to keep your social feeds as consistent as you can, for the simple reason that they are forming part of your brand, and a brand is only as powerful as its consistency. If you don’t have a focus or a theme tying everything together, it’s not going to work out for you quite as well. This is a really important thing that you need to keep in mind if you are going to have a social media audience that keeps coming back for more and more.

This is a collaborative post.

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