5 Ways to Prevent Exercise-Related Injuries

28th December 2021

Exercise is a necessary component to maintaining overall health, but there are many considerations to take before beginning a workout regimen. Before running to the gym, it’s essential to research the best exercise methods. 

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Here are five tips on preventing exercise injuries and keeping yourself safe and healthy on your fitness journey.

1. Be Sure to Stretch

There are many different types of exercise you can try, but before beginning anything, you need to stretch your body. 

Stretching for five to ten minutes before exercising is a great way to reduce your chances of injury. When you stretch, your muscles loosen and become more flexible, and flexible muscles are less likely to overexert. 

2. Build Up to Intense Exercises

When you’re just beginning your fitness journey, it’s essential to be realistic about your current fitness levels and your exercise capabilities. 

In order to move on to a more intense exercise routine, you need to gradually increase the severity of your current workout plan. Over time, your body will get stronger, and it will be less dangerous for you to advance to intense workouts. 

Jumping straight into a hard workout can lead to an injury that can take months to recover from. If you have experienced an exercise-related injury, this article on ThriveMD has details about available therapies for injuries.

3. Stay Hydrated

Working out will increase the amount of sweat you produce, which will, in turn, reduce the amount of water in your body. If this water isn’t replaced, you could be at risk of dehydration. 

Dehydration during exercise can lead to cramps, dizziness, and sore muscles the day after the workout; any of these symptoms could be dangerous if left untreated. Drinking water before training can mitigate these symptoms of dehydration.

4. Rest

Rest days are just as important as maintaining a consistent exercise routine. Your body breaks down during exercise, and you need to give your body time to repair that damage. 

If you continue to work out every day, your body won’t have time to heal and strengthen, which can lead to injury. Resting and exercising every other day is key to consistently seeing results from exercise without risking injury. 

5. Listen to Your Body

Sometimes, despite your best intentions, completing your exercise commitment for the day isn’t possible. Perhaps you don’t feel well, or maybe you’re mentally not in the right headspace for exercise. According to the healthcare experts at Icon Medical Center, in such cases, opting for massage therapies can help with blood circulation and relieve physical and mental tension.

When you’re not up to it, it’s better to skip the exercise and relax at home rather than push yourself through a workout. Injuries are much less likely to happen if you wait until you’re in good form to exercise. Missing leg day is always better than a trip to the ER!

Taking on a fitness journey is a great way to maintain your overall physical health; take time to learn to do it safely! 

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