What Skills Will My Child Develop at Nursery?

27th September 2023

Sending your child to nursery is a significant milestone in their early years. It’s a time of exploration, socialisation, and skill-building that lays the foundation for their future learning. Here are some key skills your child is likely to develop during their time at nursery.

Social Skills

Whether your child is attending a day nursery in Cheltenham, with a forest school as one form of enrichment, or a nursery near the coast that focuses on beach life – social skills will be paramount to their natural development. Nursery provides a rich social environment where children learn to interact with peers and adults outside of their immediate family. They’ll practise sharing, taking turns, and cooperating in group activities. This early exposure to social dynamics is crucial for developing healthy relationships later in life.

Communication Skills

Being around other children and educators encourages language development. Your child will learn new words, sentence structures, and communication techniques through play, storytelling, and group activities. They’ll also gain confidence in expressing themselves.

Independence and Self-Care

Nursery encourages independence as children learn to do things on their own. This includes tasks like dressing themselves, tidying up, and even self-feeding. These skills promote self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment.

Fine and Gross Motor Skills

Engaging activities at nursery stimulate the development of both fine and gross motor skills. Fine motor skills involve precise movements like holding a pencil or using scissors. Gross motor skills involve larger movements like running, jumping, and climbing. These skills are essential for tasks ranging from writing to sports.

Cognitive Skills

Nursery provides a stimulating environment for cognitive development. Through activities like puzzles, building blocks, and imaginative play, children learn problem-solving, critical thinking, and basic maths concepts. They also develop an understanding of cause and effect.

Creativity and Imagination

Nursery environments are often filled with art supplies, imaginative play spaces, and storytelling materials. These activities encourage creativity and imagination, allowing children to express themselves and explore new ideas.

Early Literacy and Numeracy

Nursery programs often introduce early literacy and numeracy concepts through activities like reading aloud, counting games, and exposure to letters and numbers. These foundations are crucial for later academic success.

Emotional Intelligence and Resilience

Being in a social setting teaches children to navigate emotions, both their own and others’. They learn to identify and express feelings and develop skills like empathy and conflict resolution. Additionally, they begin to build resilience as they face new challenges and experiences.

Routine and Structure

Establishing routines at nursery helps children understand the concept of time and provides a sense of predictability and security. This early exposure to structure lays a solid foundation for future academic and personal routines.

Remember, every child is unique, and their development will progress at their own pace. Nurseries play a vital role in fostering a well-rounded set of skills that will serve your child throughout their educational journey and beyond. Embrace this exciting phase, and celebrate the growth and discoveries your child will experience in their time at nursery.

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