Vaping CBD – How To Get The Dosage That Works For You

29th May 2020

When it comes to having an excellent vaping experience, not just the product quality but quantity matters as well. But choosing the right dosage can be a considerable challenge, particularly if you are a newbie with CBD products. There is no clear cut dosage format that vape lovers can depend on; rather, a personalized approach is the best one. Essentially, you should stick to just the right amount of CBD to get the outcome you desire for your specific purpose. And it may take some time to discover one that is just right for your needs. When it comes to deciding a dosage that works for you, there are certain factors that you can bear in mind. Let us explain them in detail.  


Factor #1: The purpose of vaping

For the very obvious reasons, your prime consideration for deciding the CBD dosage is the purpose you are using it for. When you are doing it for medical purposes, you will surely want lasting relief from pain or inflammation. This also applies in case you plan to leverage it for alleviating specific symptoms of a condition like insomnia or anxiety. Ideally, a dosage level that delivers on the desired purpose is the best. While you can rely on the word of another user for guidance, a hit and trial method may be helpful. Your needs may vary depending on the condition and your expectations for relief. So a dosage that works for someone else may not be enough for you. Or it may also be too much!

Factor #2: Severity of your condition 

Again, you cannot take a cookie-cutter approach when it comes to treating the same medical condition in two people. The amount that may provide effective relief greatly depends on the severity of your condition. For example, someone suffering from chemotherapy-related pain will need a higher dose as compared to a user who only sustained a minor injury during a workout. Similarly, the dose may be even lower if you are just vaping to relax and calm down your nerves. Hence, it is vital to comprehend the goal of vaping and the severity of the condition you want it to relieve.

Factor #3: Your body weight

Every person is genetically different, which is the reason why cannabidiol affects them differently. The chemical reactions in the body differ from individual to individual because everyone’s endocannabinoid system works differently. Scientifically, the effects are related to the overall body mass of the user. It is very clear that people who are heavier would require a higher dose as compared to those who have lighter body weight. So this is another fact you should consider while starting with or switching to higher doses. 

Factor #4: The strength of vaping device

Vaping is not just about the CBD product you use but also the device you use for the experience. There are different ones available in the market and you can check to find more about them.  The quantity of the product you use depends on the vapour production capacity of the device. A more powerful one obviously will give more vapour. So you must go through the metrics such as the power and volume of the device to determine an ideal dosage level. And you will probably have to change the amount when you switch from one device to another.

Factor #5: Vape juice concentration

Apart from the device you use, the concentration of the product decides the quantity that would be apt for your needs. Basically, the potency of the vape juice depends on the volume of CBD in it. Clearly, a smaller dosage of a high potency product will give you results comparable with a larger dosage of a low potency product. Again, you cannot judge the product by its label though instructions do help. But the right amount of CBD for vaping can really be decided only after you use it once. 

Bonus tips

Calculate the right dosage for your needs

There is no proven formula to decide the dosage of CBD for a perfect vaping experience. And there isn’t a one-size-fits-all method for calculating it as well. It is a matter of individual preference, so you can devise a method for calculation for yourself. For example, you can try filling the tank of your device with just the amount of juice you would need. Count the number of times you have to inhale to start feeling the impact. This gives you a fair idea about how many vapes get you near your desired goal. You may even check the quantity left in the tank and calculate the amount used up to give you the result you want. Gradually, you will get better with the calculations and be able to find the exact amount that works for your needs.

Start low and increase gradually 

If you are just a starter, the word of advice is to go low and slow to begin with and gradually increase your intake over time. Whatever method you use for CBD consumption, this is a rule you must absolutely follow. Even seasoned users shouldn’t leap to the next level suddenly, rather slow is the best way to go. The initial step for when you get started with vaping or eating edibles is to begin low, ideally at the bottom then slowly increase as you go. While you are doing this you should document your experience as this will help you eventually nail the perfect dosage. When you are documenting your experiments, what you want to do is keep a record of the effects you experience in terms of relaxation, calmness, and pain relief. If you feel it’s too much, then just decrease the dosage. At the same time, you may also want to discuss the impact with a medical professional who is evaluating your progress with CBD as a relief option.

Although finding the perfect dose for a great vaping experience sounds complex, these factors and tips clarify a lot of things. On top of everything else, always buy a quality product from a trusted seller because cheap, sub-standard ones can put you at risk. Every time you try a new product or brand, be extra vigilant and start with a dose that is lower than the usual dose.  You may never be sure about the potency of a product unless you actually use it.

This is a collaborative post.

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