Tips On Growing Your Business Globally

24th February 2020

Taking your business to a global scale used to seem like an impossibility for many but nowadays, with so much at our fingertips to take advantage of, it makes the dream seem more of a reality. The world is your oyster, and so you should be finding ways of helping to expand your business and to get it out there for more people to see. So here are some tips on growing your business globally.


Consider Shipping

With global success, shipping is something you may need to consider if your business relies on making a profit through physical products. The cost of shipping locally and in your own country is easy for when you’re just starting out. However, when you have enough financial backing behind you, it might be time to think about shipping globally. With shipping globally, however, there are plenty of things you need to think about and consider. Is the product needed in that country? Will it sell well and would it have any competition? You’ll also need to be clued up on the costs of shipping, including customs charges because these will vary depending on your distribution size and the countries you distribute to. You may want to also think about the vehicles you need in order to distribute, so something like HGV Finance may be needed.

Invest Your Time Wisely

Money is a much-needed factor in any business. However, you could throw all your money at a project for it to go nowhere. Investing your time is where success can be found, and for that, you’ll need a lot of it. Time is never on our side, and we can all be guilty of wasting time or procrastinating when we really should be working. So invest in your time wisely and work smarter. There are now plenty of apps that you can link up to your phone which can help you track your time management and that of others if you have employees. This monitoring will help you find points in your day-to-day work where time could be utilised better. Encourage your employees to work together and to communicate, so time isn’t wasted on trying to all get on the same page. It’s important because you are also going to be working with different time zones likely, so it’s good to get savvy with it.

Take Advantage Of Social Media

Social media is pretty big right now. We use it for everything and anything, whether it’s reading about the news on Twitter via it’s trending section or telling Facebook friends what you had for breakfast this morning. As a business, social media should be something to take full advantage of. Globally, social media has a limitless reach, which can be very attractive for any business. Get yourself a website and get your business a profile on as many social media platforms that suit it. Start connecting with your clients and reaching out to new ones. Create content that trends and think out of the box. There’s no end to what you can do with social media, and it’s going nowhere fast. Pick social media platforms wisely because one may work better for you than another. Communication is key when working globally, as everyone works differently. Social media has become a more common, universal language for all.

Create a Mobile App for Your Business

Building and delivering a great app can really help to grow your business, building loyalty with your customers, delivering positive brand experiences and allowing you to use mobile engagement to engage a user through messaging channels inside and outside of an app.

Creating a mobile app for your business allows you to have regular interaction with your target market, building trust and helping them commit to your brand, bringing them back for more and thus increasing sales for you and growing your business.

There are lots of ways you can get information out to your clients, such as using push notifications and SMS API messages, giving them a gentle nudge for certain offers or deals. You can even use this alongside roaming control to offer your customers deals as they roam. Having a mobile app for your business and using roaming control gives your customers a better experience, sending them personalised offers in the moments they need them, enhancing their roaming experience and increasing profits for your business.

Set and Re-Evaluate Your Goals

Goal setting is great both in your professional and personal life. When it comes to growing your business on a worldwide scale, it might be a good idea to re-evaluate your current goals. Go over what’s already in progress and what needs to be adapted for this new venture. International goals should also be developed so that you can continue to have an idea of where you are heading. Going global may take a lot of time, so it’s important that goals are set in order to remain motivated. It keeps reminding you that there’s a reason for all this hard work and effort that the business is putting in.

Keep your goals detailed and precise. Don’t create ones that are too big and unachievable in the deadlines given. This will only force something that might take longer than what it did, here in your own country.

Growing your business globally isn’t going to be easy. However, with the right approach and a good investment of time and money, there’s every chance that your business will go from strength to strength. So try moving forward with these steps and start your research into the possibility of showing off your business to the rest of the world.

This is a collaborative post.

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