Three Sporting Activities That Are Time Friendly

6th January 2020

Keeping fit and active when you have kids is a very difficult prospect for all parents. Finding time to nip to the gym, go for a run or play five-a-side football is no easy task with work commitments, the school run along with other activities after the fact. Then there’s trying to find time to watch TV!

The best method of trying to find time to get your exercise hours in is trying to blend your fitness programmes around activities for your kids. We’ll now break down three sporting activities that you might be able to accomplish with the little bit of time you have on your own.


Perhaps one of the easiest ones. Everyone knows how to ride a bike and, if you can’t, then the New Year is a good time to start. You don’t even have to ride if you can find time for a spinning class at the gym, but the best way to do it is by heading outdoors to experience the full effect.

You can simply pick a route based on where you live – with matters of traffic and terrain to take into account. It’s an easy way to get fresh air, and it doesn’t even have to be a large distance  – just a couple of kilometres and then you can build from there. If you grow to like it could become a hobby for a lifetime.


England’s win in the Cricket World Cup has sparked an interest in the game across the country. Its popularity is undoubtedly on the rise and can cater not just to men, as the women’s side of the sport has a growing fanbase and clubs are beginning to be geared towards a greater diversity for both sexes.

Understanding the rules of the game can be difficult, but there will be opportunities to watch at least the shortest format of the game T20. Both England’s men and women’s teams will compete in the World T20 this year, and are among the leading contenders in the cricket betting odds to win their respective tournaments, so there will be ample opportunities should they go all the way to the final. Then you can be a cricket aficionado.

Growing the game is very important for the England and Wales Cricket Board. It can be an enjoyable pastime for a Saturday in the summer, watching the game in the sun, especially if both adults can compete in their own teams and in time together for the club teams. There’s no shortage of local teams around the country, and it’s a good hobby to maximise the summer months in the United Kingdom and you don’t have to be that athletic to play it.


A vital life skill and something that all parents should learn. There’s no excuse not at least master the basics in the water to ensure that everyone can be safe for a trip to the beach or on holidays in the pools. It’s an excellent form of exercise that works all the muscles in the body and can be an enjoyable one to share – especially if you have a competitive spirit.

Swimming pools are no longer in short supply, as most gyms are equipped with large pools these days. Again there’s no limit to what can you achieve at the pool. Some may only want to do 20 lengths with a bit of breaststroke for a bit of exercise, although others might want the front crawl and 50 lengths to get the heart rate really pumping. Most places cater for swimmers of all experiences and picking it up for the New Year could launch a new you.

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