The Benefits of Outdoor Learning for Children

13th January 2021

Exploring the great outdoors teaches children that there’s more to life than what goes on inside a classroom. It brings their learning experiences to life in a memorable way and teaches soft skills that will benefit them both personally and academically. I have teamed up with a Surrey preschool to explore the benefits of outdoor learning in further detail.


It’s important for teachers, and parents alike, to make use of all of the resources available to them when helping a child develop. All children have a unique learning style and outdoor learning is a great way to engage children who might not necessarily thrive from reading textbooks. Here are some examples of outdoor learning activities, all of which can help children develop a sense of respect for Mother Nature:

Taking a break from the usual classroom environment is a great way to present children with new challenges. This helps them to develop problem-solving strategies and the ability to assess risks. Planting seeds, for instance, can teach children the importance of committing to something and taking care of it. It may be a slow process, but certainly a rewarding one. It’s also an opportunity for them to work closely with their peers, developing teamworking skills. As a result, a child who engages in outdoor learning will likely be more resilient and confident, allowing them to return to the classroom with a head-strong approach.

Playing and learning outdoors can help boost a child’s overall health and wellbeing. School and growing up in general can be quite stressful sometimes, which can lead to poor immune systems and mental health issues. Time outside can reduce cortisol levels, the hormone associated with stress. It also encourages exercise and stretching, which is good for general fitness but also boosts the release of “feel good” hormones.

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