Teaching Your Child to Manage their Emotions

7th June 2021

Children who are able to manage their emotions are better able to recover from disheartening experiences, whether that be a bad grade at school, friendship problems or something else entirely. Rather than throwing a temper tantrum when they feel frustrated, they will be able to keep their composure and handle the situation calmly. So, if you’re wondering how you can help your child develop the skill to control their emotions, here are some tips from a private school in London.


Encourage Forgiveness

If your child is particularly upset about something, it’s important to encourage them to let it go and move forward in a positive direction. For instance, if they are upset in the car on the way to school because they have forgotten their homework, teach them to forgive themselves and learn from their mistake so that they don’t make it again. They are only human, after all, and we all mess up sometimes.

Teach Them Coping Techniques

Everyone gets angry or upset sometimes, the trick is to know how to handle it. If you notice that your child is getting emotional, teach them some coping strategies. For instance, if you are playing a board game and they’re getting frustrated, encourage them to go into another room and take a few deep breaths. Some people find listening to peaceful music helpful or exercising to blow off some steam. Practise some different techniques and find what works for your youngster. 

It’s also worth talking about emotions regularly so that your child feels comfortable sharing their feelings rather than bottling them up and exploding. 

Praise Positive Emotional Reactions

When you’re trying to promote a certain type of behaviour, praise and encouragement work best for children. So, if you see them reacting to something in a positive way, be sure to let them know that you are proud of them.

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