Raise Them Up! The Emotional Tools We Need To Give Our Children ASAP

1st July 2019


As a parent, we learn so much, not just from the very act of raising our children, but we learn from our children directly. Whether it’s just about the fact we need to not take life so seriously and enjoy play, or get off our phone on occasion, it’s always a learning curve, and this is how we should play it. But we have to remember when we are looking to raise children that are healthy and happy, it’s all about it still in them with the right habits. But what are the key habits that we need to make sure they learn from us?


We have one body, so we’d better make the most of it! These days there’s a lot more focus on the art of self-care, but if we, the parents, don’t do it, then our children will naturally learn those bad habits. To begin with, it’s about those basic things; eating healthily, looking after your teeth, and moving enough, so you feel the benefits in your body and mind. But it can cost quite a bit of money to do these things. However, it’s important that we sign up to a dentist, and find ways to look after yourself for cheap. It can be done. Dentists like Bright & White can give you information on how best to get your children to brush their teeth, especially if it’s one of those issues. We have to ingrain these good habits as soon as possible, but if we missed the boat and we think our children are too old, it’s actually not too late!

Learning to handle stress

When we look at the pressures our children are under, in terms of education, making an impact in life, and even with numerous social media stresses, we’ve got to make sure that they have the ability to cope effectively. This is about arming our children with an appropriate toolbox. Perception is a wonderful thing, especially if they feel that they’re always missing out on things, but also, we should work at giving them methods to calm down. If they’re not able to sleep at night, this may mean they need a social media detox or a crash course in breathing to calm down the nervous system. Because we all get stressed for various reasons, the more tools we have, the better we will be at handling it.

Not worrying so much

As a natural extension to stress, when children have FOMO, Fear Of Missing Out, they can feel the worry begin to increase. But it’s about feeling in the present. Worrying can stem from so many things, especially if we are prone to anxiety. And this is why it’s a good opportunity for us to teach our children not to worry, while also practising what we preach.

Our children live in a different world to the one we inhabited as youngsters, so we should make a concerted effort to give them tools, so they are able to cope with whatever life throws at them.

This is a collaborative post.

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