My Daughter at 7 and Almost a Half 

26th June 2019

Oh my goodness what happened to my baby?

She got so big suddenly this year; everyone keeps commenting on how tall she is, and she really has shot up and seems to keep on growing like a weed and growing out of all of her clothes. She’s lying in bed next to me now and she looks so long; I’m sure she’ll be as tall as me soon. It’s scary how fast she’s grown. But it’s also incredible to watch her grow and see how wonderful she is and for her to know that she is mine and bloody hell I made that.

I still quite often find it hard to believe that I am a mum at all, let alone the mother of a seven-year-old. Everyone says it flies, but my god does it fly. I know that she’ll be a teenager before I know it (she already acts like one) and that’s bloody scary but I also look forward to hopefully having a close relationship with her still when she is a teenager (don’t laugh!).

She likes: chocolate, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, me (most of the time), sleeping in my bed with me, having her hair curly, her long hair (she won’t let me cut it), helping me mop the floors (weirdo), Oreo – chocolate/ice cream/Easter eggs/anything, dogs and asking me if we can have one every day, babies, music and dancing, tricking people, L.O.L dolls, ladybirds, small spiders.

She dislikes: bedtime, trying to go to sleep, going to school, fruit, when I say no to her, getting told off at school (she’s very sensitive), having to go the supermarket with me, particularly if it’s Marks and Spencer, going to after-school club unless it’s dance, tidying up, doing as she’s told, me calling L.O.L dolls ‘LOL’ dolls, big spiders.

She can be so incredibly lovely – cuddly and kind, and loving and nice to be around – and then she can switch in two seconds to be an evil moody teenager who screams at me and storms off whilst shouting about how awful and mean I am. If she’s had enough sleep then she’s usually great, but she takes about two hours to go to sleep at the moment and won’t stop getting up or worrying about school and so she’s generally pretty tired (i.e evil).

One of my favourite things is to listen to her read, or to see her snuggled up with a book quietly reading to herself. I find it fascinating and amazing how quickly their reading comes on; I have no idea how a child goes from not being able to read or write at all, to being able to write fully formed and neatly written sentences so quickly and being able to read a book in her head. I’m so often shocked that she can read certain difficult words with ease, and she reads out loud with such expression – she’s way better than me at it! I love that she has a love of books too, and I hope it continues.

This is such a nice age for us to do stuff together, and it’s also so much easier in terms of actually getting out. She can choose her own clothes and get dressed, do her own teeth (albeit very lazily), get in the car herself and do her seatbelt up, and it just makes such a difference, especially when you are going to multiple places and getting in and out the car. She is so much fun (depending on mood) and so interesting to talk to, and I am just loving this age.

We have a brilliant bond and she rarely wants to leave my side (although I do want to pee in peace, at least sometimes) and I hope it continues as she grows.

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