Introducing a Puppy to Your Older Dog

21st February 2024

Welcoming a new furry friend into your home can be one of the most exciting yet challenging milestones in life. Puppies bring so much joy into a family home with their boundless energy and mischievous ways, but if you already have a dog at home, it can sometimes be hard for the older dog to adjust.

A successful introduction between your older dog and the new puppy is something you need to carefully consider to avoid any tension and to make sure both feel comfortable with their new furry brother or sister. This article will share some essential tips to make sure that the introduction goes as smoothly and stress-free as possible for all involved. 

Gradual Introduction

The best way to first introduce your older dog to your new puppy is to do it slowly. Ideally, you want the introduction to take place in a neutral environment, so the older dog doesn’t feel threatened in its own space. Allow the dogs to interact with each other under your supervision and over time you can slowly increase the time they spend together until the older dog seems more at ease. 

You want the interaction to be a positive one, so lots of praise, treats and toys to play with will keep your pups happy and entertained while they adjust. 

Respect Boundaries

Once the puppy is in your home, make sure you have separate spaces where your older dog can retire too if playing with the new puppy gets a little too much. Puppies have boundless energy and this can soon become tiresome for an older dog, so make sure they have a safe space with a comfortable dog bed where they can relax if they feel overwhelmed.

Routine and Structure

The best way to set a new routine in place for your puppy is to try and incorporate it into the routine that your older dog is used to. Your puppy may need more attention and training as it gets used to their new home, but sticking to normal feeding times and walks will mean that your older dog still has the routine it is used to and that it hasn’t been too disruptive. Dogs are creatures of habit, so you want to make sure the older dog feels as comfortable as it did before the arrival of its new furry friend.

Be Mindful of Their Differences

No two dogs are the same, and this is especially apparent when you have dogs of differing ages. The food they eat, their medical needs and the amount of exercise they demand will differ, so it’s important you know what to expect and are ready to manage this in daily life. To make sure both of your pups are fit and healthy, you could choose to consider investing in a new multi-pet insurance policy that will ensure comprehensive medical coverage should they become unwell and need treatment. 

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