How to Stay Fit and Healthy as a Busy Mum

16th May 2023

Motherhood is the best and most rewarding job in the world, but every mum knows that it’s no easy feat. Between taking care of our little ones, keeping the house in order, maybe even working full or part time too, as mums we’re rarely left with much time to ourselves. This can mean that when it comes to hobbies, a social life, our appearance and our health, things are never quite where we’d like them to be. But it’s important to try to work these things into our routines, good health in particular is crucial as when we have little ones relying on us we of course want to be there for them for as long as possible. Here are some of the ways you can work good health into your lifestyle, which can help with your own mental and physical wellbeing as well as your family’s too!


Exercise as a family

You might not have multiple hours a week to commit to going to the gym, workout classes or other solo exercise adventures, but chances are there are things you can do when you have your kids with you. Walks in nature, trips to the park where you kick a ball around, bike rides, dog hikes and more are all things that you and your family can do together. It’s a great bonding activity and you’ll all have fun and get your steps in without even thinking about it. 

Incorporate exercise into your daily routine

Sometimes it’s the little things that add up. Look for opportunities to add movement into your daily routine, dance in the kitchen while you’re cooking, run and grab that item you need from the other room instead of sending your partner or kids, whenever you see lift repairs when you’re out, use this as an opportunity to jog up the stairs. These small changes might not seem like much, but they can make a big difference in your overall fitness level and can prevent you from becoming too sedentary. 

Try a home workout

There are lots of free resources available online, including YouTube workout videos and fitness apps, and they’re something you can do even if you have a free ten minutes. Unlike going to the gym which requires getting ready, finding childcare and driving to an actual gym, home workouts can easily be fit into your day. You could do a workout during nap time or when your kids are in bed, or just during the day and get them involved too!

Join a mum’s fitness group

Whether it’s an in-person group or just online as a way to motivate each other, having a support system of other mums who understand your struggle can be really helpful. Check places like Facebook, or even set something up yourself if you can’t find anything suitable. You could go on pram walks together, exercise in the park with your little ones in tow or share exercise and healthy recipe ideas online. 

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