How to Lose Weight When You Have Young Children

7th February 2019

Losing weight can seem to be a really difficult thing to do, especially if you have young children to look after. But it isn’t impossible! If you have young children then it is likely that your daily routine is often busy and chaotic, and incorporating healthy eating and exercise into your life seems like something you just don’t have time for. But your health is so important, and your children can be a motivation to stay healthy so that you can enjoy watching them grow up. Here are a few ideas on how to lose weight when you have young children.

Photo by Brandon Wilson on Unsplash


Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so it is essential that you set yourself up for the day with a healthy but filling breakfast. If you skip breakfast, this may be a reason why you have struggled losing weight in the past. By making good choices for breakfast it will be easier to make healthy choices for the rest of the day and you won’t be reaching for the nearest snack by lunchtime. By eating a large breakfast, you will be able to burn off the calories throughout the day. If the morning routine in your house is hectic then try preparing your breakfast for the night before. Porridge oats, fruit, and yoghurt left overnight in the fridge is a popular weight loss breakfast that many parents can just grab and go in the mornings.

Work Out When You Can

It can seem impossible to find any time in the day to fit in exercise, but it will not only really help you to lose weight – it will also boost your mood because of the endorphins we release when we exercise. But exercise is something that you can get the kids involved in. Something as simple as putting your child in the stroller and going for a long walk can contribute to you losing weight. Workout videos from home are also good opportunities for you to add exercise into your daily routine. There are also supplements that you can take that will boost the effects of engaging in exercise and can improve weight loss, such as KetoLogic’s program. This 30-day weight loss program will provide you with everything you need to be successful.

Stop Cleaning Your Kid’s Plates

When your children don’t finish their food, you are very likely to eat their leftovers. Often this is just a habit or an attempt to “not waste food”. But if you clean up your kid’s plate after they have finished eating, you have no idea how many calories you are eating. By not eating the leftovers and waiting until you have your own meal that you have planned as part of your healthy regime, you will have much more control over how many calories you are eating. Eating a few bites of left-over food may not seem like a big deal, but you will be surprised how the extra calories start to add up.

Get Enough Sleep

Often, not getting enough sleep can be a reason why you have gained weight and are finding it difficult to lose it. You need to be getting around seven hours sleep a night, and if you aren’t fully rested you will find it very difficult to function properly all day. If you wake up feeling rested, you are much more likely to have extra energy that you can focus on sticking to your health regime and losing weight. Sleep can massively influence weight management and by not getting enough rest, you can increase your stress levels. However, getting enough sleep can boost your energy and even may help you burn belly fat. So wherever possible, try to get as much rest as you can. Even if that means having a nap when your child does!

Be Conscious of What Sort of Food Is in The House.

Being more conscious of what food you are buying from the grocery store can really help you to make better food choices and lose weight. Try to cut back on processed foods, as they tend to be a lot higher in calories and full of fat. It is also advisable to stop buying soda drinks that are full of sugar and to try to drink more water instead. These changes may seem small, but they can make a massive difference in your weight loss. By not buying foods that have the potential to sabotage your weight loss, they aren’t available when you want comfort or convenience food at the end of a long day. Try doing a shopping list before you visit the store and then sticking to it.

Losing weight can seem like a daunting and even an impossible task when you have young children, but by making changes to your lifestyle, you will start to see results, which will encourage you to keep going!

This is a collaborative post.

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