How to Keep Your Garden Thriving in the Heat 

26th January 2024

Each summer is hotter than the last in the UK, which means that it is likely that temperatures are likely to be on the rise again this year. This creates a new challenge for gardeners, as too much heat can be bad for plants. So, what can you do to make sure that your garden thrives in the heat this year? Keep reading for a few tips that will help. 



First, you have polytunnels, which can be a great investment for any gardener. Polytunnel covers can provide protection from the sun during summer and protection from wind and rain in the colder months, plus they will help to keep pests away. It is true that the temperature inside a polytunnel can get hot, but you can regulate this with netting to keep your plants at the right temperature throughout the summer months.


Of course, the hot weather will dry out the water, which can be deadly for plants. Therefore, you need to keep on top of watering by making sure that all of your plants are getting enough throughout the week. For plants in the ground, you should water in the morning or evening when it is cooler. Potted plants can be watered a few times a day – just keep an eye on them and water when the soil dries out. Of course, you also need to be wary of over-watering the plants. Keep a close eye on the soil and look for signs of overwatering, which can include mold, brown leaf tips, and new and old leaves falling off at the same time. 

Make Use of Mulch

You can also spread a layer of mulch over the top of the soul to retain moisture. Organic mulch that is a lighter colour is ideal for reflecting and keeping the temperature at bay. 

Choose Your Plants Carefully

You should also consider the kind of plants you have in your backyard. With our summers now getting very hot, you could introduce plants from hotter parts of the world, such as Africa and the Mediterranean. Heat-resistant plants share a few traits, including colorful flowers, thin stems, and hairy leaves. A few examples of plants that could thrive in the heat include:

Trimming & Pruning

You should also trim any perennials you have so that they will flower for longer and keep their strength. You can also deadhead flowering plants as a way to keep them healthy and bloom for as long as possible. 

The rising temperatures each summer create a new challenge for UK gardeners. The summer months can now be difficult because it gets so hot that the plants suffer, but the advice in this post will help you maintain a healthy garden throughout the summer months. 

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