Prevent Prostate Enlargement With These Simple Lifestyle Hacks

27th August 2020

There’s no reason to live under the looming threat of prostate cancer if you know how to reduce the chances. Although it’s true that prostate issues are an increasing concern in elderly men, it can be reversed and prevented by following a simple and healthy lifestyle. Let’s discuss some effective lifestyle hacks to enhance prostate health by delaying cancer progress and preventing further enlargement of the gland. 


Increase your daily sun exposure

Sunlight is one of the vital sources of vitamin D, which is produced in large quantities from the cholesterol in your skin cells by the UV rays. This vitamin D not only improves your prostate health but also reduces the chances of developing cardiovascular diseases. This apart, it helps regulate blood pressure, which is closely linked to the development of prostate cancer. 

Include zinc in your diet

The mineral zinc is extremely beneficial for elderly men because of its anti-inflammatory property and the ability to promote enzymatic reactions. It also lowers the risk of damage by free radicals and flushes them outside the body. No wonder the supplement prostagenix has a sufficient amount of zinc as an important component. You can include foods like meat, poultry, legumes, nuts, seeds, dairy products, eggs and veggies, which contain zinc, in your diet. 

Practice pelvic floor exercises

Fitness is essential to combat prostate gland issues, as obesity is one of their main causes. Practising pelvic floor exercises, like Kegels, biking, walking, golfing and more, lowers the chances of enlargement of the gland. For those who find it hard to go out and do exercises, try to improvise like investing in a treadmill or an immersive golf course simulator so you can still exercise from the comfort of your home or office. These exercises also improve the overall functioning of the body and keep your heart in good condition. 

Drink a lot of fluids

A healthy urinary tract and proper fluid balance lowers the risks of prostate issues. If you urinate at least 4-5 times a day, your urinary channel remains clean, and this prevents adversities. Hence, you should increase your daily fluid intake and include useful elements, like green tea and juicy fruits in your diet. While green tea has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, citrus fruits have vitamin C that strengthens the immune system, thus preventing BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia) and prostate cancer to a huge extent. 

Never suppress urinary urges

Suppressing your bladder for too long can eventually lead to a rise in the risks of prostate issues. As a healthy urinary tract is one of the key contributors to your prostate wellness, make sure you never delay urinating at any cost. When you’re outside, use the public restrooms to relieve yourself. 

Reduce alcohol intake

If you’re a regular drinker, you should reduce your alcohol intake to about 3-4 drinks per week. As alcohol is inflammatory, it can increase the chances of prostate enlargement at an older age. However, red wine is an exception in this case, as the ingredient resveratrol can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. It also delays ageing and helps keep age-related disorders at bay. So if you have an urge to drink, get a bottle of red wine. 

You can also pour some soy milk over your breakfast cereal, as soy is said to have amazing effects on prostate wellness. Include cruciferous veggies, like broccoli, cauliflower, and spinach in your diet to help prevent cancerous growth and enhance overall wellness. If you can follow these hacks, you’ll definitely increase your chances to enjoy a hazardless life in old age.

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