How to Get Over Burnout at Work

6th October 2021

One of the most common experiences among teachers and those in caring professions is burnout. Career burnout is, unfortunately, more common than you think, and as you experience it, you will notice that it can be triggered by a number of things. Stress is one of the biggest triggers of career burnout, and with teachers, the lack of appreciation, the exhaustion and a pressured working environment can all contribute to it. 

As teachers, you spend your day standing and managing the feelings, learning and the day of a whole class of kids. That’s a lot of pressure and expectation on one person and if your employer isn’t helping you look for ways for school teachers to maintain their own mental health, this is a problem. Teachers have to be supported if they want to be successful in their jobs and to avoid burnout at work, teachers have to learn certain skills. If you’re feeling the warning signs of burnout, you have to stop ignoring them and start looking at ways that you can get through it. With this in mind, here are some of the ways to get over burnout at work.


  1. Be selfish. No, really. Teachers are naturally very giving people, but there is only so much that you can give to others before you start to forget how to give to yourself. You need to be selfish sometimes, and that means looking after you and knowing that you are doing the right thing. Spend your time saying yes to yourself and no to others occasionally – it’ll feel really good.
  2. Look at your job description. Are you going above and beyond on your job? If you are, that’s great, but if you’re not being recognised or that then maybe it’s time to pull it back a little. Your job description is likely not going to reflect the effort you’re putting in, so check it and check it again. Then make sure you’re working to the expectations others have of you and no more than that.
  3. Build relationships. One great way to avoid burnout is to make sure that you have relationships with those in the workplace. These friendships will carry you through and make your life much easier as a result. Don’t face burnout head on, not if you can avoid it. It’s much easier to manage it when you aren’t alone.
  4. Be off grid for a while. When you are mentally and physically drained, it might be time to unplug a little. Going off grid and leaving your phone switched off is a freeing experience. Plan for a long weekend of your own company and give yourself some time to just be. The feeling is one of serious refreshment, and you’re going to end up feeling so much better for it. No matter what, you can do whatever you have to do online and with others tomorrow – it doesnt need to be done today.
  5. Take time to learn meditation. Spending time with yourself is so important if you are going to avoid total burnout. Meditation is going to help you to rest, recover and go within yourself. It involves developing self-awareness and remembering that you are a compassionate person. Meditation is going to help you to centre yourself after a long day.
  6. Make sure that you do things that interest you. As a teacher, you spend a lot of time working for others all day long but when was the last time you took time to read a book that had more than 30 words? You have to take a moment to enjoy what you actually want to do. Instead of giving into the exhaustion, sit with a book. Flip to your favourite TV show and watch it. 
  7. Get some help. Burning out is not okay – not for any job, for any reason. You don’t have to just sit with it, though. You can get some help with your burnout experience and speak to a therapist if necessary. Work on something you’re passionate about and make sure that you are speaking to someone to discuss a pathway back to feeling yourself again. You don’t have to go through this alone. Work on things that make you feel passionate and complete that don’t involve your job,and you will be able to feel more energised and safe as a result. 

Burnout isn’t a permanent fixture in life and you can get through it. You just have to think about how you can better manage yourself to get the right help.

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