How to Act if You Suspect Your Elderly Relative is Being Abused in Care

7th September 2019


While a vast majority of care homes are excellent places that continually upgrade the quality of life of those experiencing and living through their golden chapter, it’s important to note that from time to time, abuse has been known to happen in said locations. It’s clearly quite difficult to think about this for a protracted period, simply because of how vulnerable the elderly can be. It is perplexing to think that there are those who lack any such moral compass and are willing to forgo their standards of care entrusted to them.

However, thinking about it is necessary, and this is especially true if you feel your own relative is being abused in a care home. This is where learning how to act is important, because anything but a straight, direct and forceful approach might, unfortunately, prevent you from finding the answers you seek.

With our advice, we hope to give you a little more wisdom when it comes to this difficult issue. Please consider:

Speak To Your Relative, Or Watch For Signs

It can be that despite your usual visitation hours, you are denied rightful access for a range of reasons. It could be that when the carer comes in the room, you notice your elderly relative clams up and is less talkative than before. You might notice marks on their arm, or perhaps they complain about things going missing. Speaking to, or communicating with your relative to the extent that you can, might help you notice abuse. Sometimes, even purchasing hidden cameras, such as those within teddy bears can help shine a light on the difficulty going on. It sounds stealthy, but you have to be careful when trying to verify the level of care they are getting. And, if you are unsure, it can be worth simply finding another place instead.

Find Skilled Legal Counsel

If you have true proof that abuse is taking place, taking your elderly relative away from the care home, call the police, and then contacting top-notch legal representation from skilled personal injury lawyers. Presenting all of your evidence and keeping yourself organized, as well as giving your statements as clearly as possible can help you build a credible and considered case against the care home in question.

Do Your Research

Looking online or speaking to the community about similar experiences could help you understand how to proceed, could help you find others who have had an issue with the care home, or could potentially help you connect with others who have gone through something like this before. It may also help you publicize your case to make it clear how said care home operates, potentially helping other families help their elderly relative from receiving the same treatment. Make sure you consult with medical malpractice attorneys since they are experts in this particular area. Additionally, the experts at believe that tackling elderly abuse at early stages is one of the most effective ways of dealing with this problem. This way, you can seek closure with care, knowing that you have made a difference.

With this guidance, we hope you can make it through that difficult time with confidence.

This is a collaborative post.

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