How Can Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Improve Your Mental Health?

28th March 2022

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, otherwise known as CBT, is a form of psychological treatment commonly used for lots of different mental problems such as depression, alcohol and drug abuse problems, anxiety, eating disorders, as well as severe mental illnesses. Several research institutions made advancements in research and clinical practice and concluded that this treatment could improve one’s normal functioning, although it is not considered a cure. 

Some of the core principles that CBT is based on are; people going through psychological problems can find better ways to cope and deal with them, improving their symptoms and leading a better life. The other principle is based on unhelpful ways of thinking and partly on learned patterns of unhelpful behaviour.

There are several strategies involved when using this therapy as a form of treatment, including getting a better understanding of what motivates others and their behaviour, being confident in your own abilities, using problem-solving skills when you find yourself in a difficult situation, and learning to recognize what kind of thinking distortions are causing you problems then evaluating them closely and constantly. Aside from changing thinking patterns, the treatment also focuses on changing behavioural patterns with strategies like training yourself to relax your body and calm your mind, embracing your fears instead of always trying to avoid them, and practising role-playing to prepare for potential problems when interacting with other people.

These strategies might not work for everyone, which is why psychologists work with their patients to understand the problem and develop the treatment that suits them best. During the sessions, patients are given exercises to help them learn to be their own therapists; these exercises are supposed to be done at home as well. Patients also develop coping skills to learn to change their thinking, behaviour, and problematic emotions.

During the sessions, therapists mainly focus on what is currently happening in a patient’s life. Information from the past is needed to gauge a pattern, but the primary focus is current affairs to develop effective ways to cope with life. 

The therapy helps treat disorders like depression and bipolar disorder, anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, substance abuse disorders, aggression and anger, pregnancy-related distress, chronic pain and fatigue, and many more. Below is a detailed list of some of these conditions.

1. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Though it has not been explored widely, CBT is believed to be a treatment for OCD. The therapists commonly use components like response prevention and exposure and a range of cognitive interventions.

2. Anxiety

Most people live with mild anxiety for years without even realizing it. Anxious thoughts mostly centre on events at work, school, family, etc. Your therapist can help you list positive thoughts and assist you in keeping track of negative thoughts that may come up. With time, You will realize your negative thoughts are linked to fear of not being good enough. From this realization, you can practice positive self-talk or journaling about your improvements to manage your anxiety.

3. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD develops from a traumatic experience like a car crash or violence. In therapy, you will get to work on your fear, panic, and sometimes guilt by listing activities that trigger your PTSD. As you do so, you also practice relaxation techniques for situations when you feel overwhelmed and grounding techniques that can control traumatic flashbacks.

4. Relationship Issues

Relationship issues vary for every person and lead to anxiety. A therapist can try role play with you to prepare for the outcomes with your partner or try relaxation techniques.

CBT is a good study approach, and many experts consider it to be the best treatment for many mental health conditions.

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