A Less Stressful House Move is Possible with These 5 Tips

4th May 2023


In the first half of 2021, there were over 260,00 house moves in the UK alone. Be it people moving to a new house in their local area, relocating to a new location, or they were one of the 200,000 people who make the move to London each year, moving home is common across the country. That being said, it doesn’t make it any less stressful, with this activity being voted one of the most stressful life events, weddings, deaths, divorce, significant illnesses, and health conditions.

But does moving home need to be so stressful? And can you do anything to make it easier for everyone involved? Read on for some stress-busting tips to implement when you move home.

Book a Removal Company

Removal companies can offer a range of services, from loading up your goods only and transporting them to helping you pack up and dismantle furniture and putting it all back together again in your new home. Using removalists can help take over some of the heavy lifting physically and metaphorically and make the moving process easier and less stressful by taking care of all aspects of packing, lifting and transporting too.

Use Storage Facilities

Storage facilities can help you store larger items or belongings you don’t need for everyday use in a safe location while you pack the rest of your life up and finalise the move. It allows you the freedom to move around your home and an easier start to moving day(s), as you will already have things packed and ready to go from the storage unit to your new home. A bonus is you can choose how long you wish to store the item, meaning you only pay for it when you need it.

Change Your Address

As soon as you have the keys and a confirmed moving date, start changing your addresses and setting up mail redirects to ensure your post goes where it needs to be. Change your address with your banks, insurance companies, doctor, dentist, schools, employers and anyone else you have important accounts with so everything is kept up to date, and you minimise the risk of things being lost in the changeover.


There has never been a more perfect time to declutter your home than when you move. Be it items you have been hoarding over the years in storage areas, children’s clothes and toys they no longer need, or basically anything you haven’t gotten around to getting rid of. The last thing you want to do is pack stuff you don’t want or need in your new home only to have to sort through them again. So while you pack, be strict about what you do and don’t want to take and redistribute it accordingly.


There are many variables that can upset the apple cart on a moving day. Things very rarely run to plan. Reacting calmly and going with the flow will help you address any issues easier and be more rational about the process should something go wrong. Moving day can be frantic, but by giving yourself leeway to stop and take a moment in the madness and accept the unexpected can and will probably happen; you can remove any additional pressure on yourself and get through this time in a better frame of mind. 


Moving day isn’t without worries and stress, But being able to take care of the things you can control and being as organised as possible will help you in the long run. Remember, before you unpack anything else, find the kettle and some cups and make a nice brew!

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