The Importance of Music Lessons in Schools

25th May 2021

Research has concluded that musical training is linked with academic success. This is because music lessons help support a child’s development in many ways; they help with general cognitive function, memory, listening skills, concentration, and creativity. Music can also relieve stress and support mental health. With that said, music lessons in schools are underappreciated. I have teamed up with a global music school to explore the benefits of music lessons in further detail. 


Boosts Confidence

Firstly, music lessons are great for a child’s self-esteem. As their skills improve, so does their confidence. What’s more, if they perform in front of others and receive praise and applause, this also helps them believe in themselves. 

Improves Social Skills

Often, music is played as part of a group. With that said, teamwork will be involved, which can help support a child’s general social skills.

Promotes Persistence

Music lessons also instil a sense of tenacity in children because they must practise in order to improve. Even when the going gets tough and they struggle to master a piece of music, they must persevere. This tenacity also contributes to improved confidence because it allows children to feel as though they can do anything they put their minds to.

Improves Fine Motor Skills

Playing an instrument is also a fantastic way to help with co-ordination and fine motor skills. These are important for your child’s overall development because they are required for even the most mundane everyday tasks, like tying shoelaces. 

Calms the Mind

Music lessons also require complete focus, which mean that children are distracted from any worries they are experiencing. With that said, music is great for relieving stress and calming the mind. 

Supports Academic Success

As mentioned above, research has found that music helps children perform well academically. Music and maths share many similarities, because learning a rhythm involves understanding proportions and ratios. What’s more, the other skills developed through music can be transferred across other areas of their education. 

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