5 Learning Activities for Toddlers

10th February 2021

Toddlers are great fun and also a lot of hard work. Full of energy and curiosity they require a lot of input during their day.  Voracious learners, toddlers are often challenging as they demand much of their carers’ time and energy. One way to help your toddler to learn and feel happy and satisfied with their day is to pre-plan some learning activities so that they have structure to their day. Whilst most toddlers can engage in some independent play, they still require a lot of help and encouragement from their parents and teachers. This day nursery in St Margaret’s works on the idea that children’s natural curiosity will help and guide them in their learning. So here are 5 ideas for learning activities for toddlers which will engage, amuse and educate all at the same time.


1: Build a city of boxes

This is a fun activity which will engage your toddler’s body and mind at the same time. You will need a selection of empty, clean boxes for this one so you might have to save a few up.  Choose an open space such as the kitchen floor or perhaps the garden if it’s a dry day. Show your toddler how to pile up the boxes to make ‘houses’ and even to draw on doors and windows with crayons. Make roads and push cars in between the houses – toddlers enjoy this especially and will delight in making the appropriate sounds.

2: Float or sink?

Fill a big tub or even the bath with cold water and gather together a selection of appealing objects.

Show your toddler how to place something into the water and have them guess if it will float or sink.

Continue with the other objects. Good objects include things like cotton reels, an apple, a plastic toy, pinecones and a pebble. Never leave a toddler alone with the water – children can drown in a very small amount of water.

3: Make a rainbow

This is a colour sorting game. On the pavement or patio, sketch out a huge rainbow shape with chalk. Now gather different coloured items with which to ‘colour it in’. You can use anything – buttons, beads, toys, kitchen items and even clothing. As you change colours to match the rainbow colours, your child will be very excited as they search for another blue or green or yellow item around the house. They will learn about colour and shape as they play.

Another great activity for learning about colours is making friendship bracelets using a variety of colorful beads. Making bead jewellery is also excellent for honing your toddler’s fine motor skills and teaching them about being patient and paying attention to details. 

4: Den-building

You might have to utilise some sheets and maybe a clothes horse or chairs to manage this fun activity. Show your child how to drape the sheets over the objects to make a den – teach them how to secure each piece as you build. Finally, hide in the den with your child and let your imagination run wild!

5: Dress-up

This old favourite is always popular. It’s not hard to build up a good dressing up box. Most children adore dressing up and if you gather some old clothes, hats and jewellery, children will love to dive deep into the box and try things on.

All of the above will add to your child’s cognitive skills, their understanding of the world around them and their physical strength – and not only that but they’re also fun!

This is a collaborative post.

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