3 Everyday Tips for Being More Grounded

3rd March 2020


With the stresses of everyday life, and the fact that information is now more readily accessible than ever before thanks to the Internet, it can be very easy to get caught in your own head, and to spend every significant chunk of your time daydreaming, procrastinating, and losing touch with sense of connection to the world around you.

Daydreaming isn’t always bad, and spirals of rumination don’t always come from reflecting on a topic for a while, but in any case, it is always a good idea to have a few tips and strategies up your sleeve for those moments where you want to be a bit more grounded.

So, here are a few everyday tips for being more grounded.

Spend some time outside every day

Simply spending some time outside every day can go quite a long way towards helping you to get in touch with the world around you, and to get out of your own head for a while.

There’s something about having the open sky above you, trees and grass around you, and maybe other people strolling to and fro as well, that helps to remind you that you are a person embedded in a larger world. 

This is often very useful for those moments where you’ve been overthinking a lot, have been putting off taking some kind of action that you know you should have been taking, or are perhaps getting overly caught up in your negative projections.

Whether you install dusk to dawn lights in your garden and sit out there with a mug of tea, or whether you go strolling in nature, or even just walking into town to do your grocery shopping, you should spend some time outside every day.

Have a regular physical exercise routine

Physical exercise is, far and away, one of the best things you can do in order to help yourself feel more grounded, and to break free from patterns of obsessive rumination or just general-purpose overthinking.

In addition to the fact that physical exercise forces you to pay attention to your body and what it’s doing, there’s also research showing that regular exercise is extremely effective at dealing with certain mood disorders such as depression.

Having a regular physical exercise routine can work wonders in terms of helping you to stay balanced, and healthy and positive as well.

In general, work to build momentum on any task as soon as you can

You should, of course, not just rush blindly into things, and it’s important to make sure that the actions you do take are well-considered rather than impulsive.

All the same, though, it’s almost always a good idea to begin building momentum in any task or project as soon as you can, even if only in small ways, while you’re still working out some of the details.

Momentum is a very powerful thing – it helps to see even the most enormous tasks through to the end, and it breaks down the internal resistance that we all feel from time to time.

The more quickly you can build momentum on any given task, the more grounded and action-oriented you will be.

This is a collaborative post.

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