Why is Community Involvement Important for Children?

6th June 2021

Encouraging your child to take part in local community activities is a great way to teach them to respect the general public and the world around them. It’s easy to let them settle in their comfort zone and branch no further than their family unit but getting involved with the community will help broaden their perspective and teach them various new skills. It will also be a welcome change from their school life. I have teamed up with a prep school in Surrey to explore the importance of community involvement in further detail below. 


Boosts Confidence

A child who regularly meets new people, experiences new things and takes on new responsibilities will have better self-esteem, as they will feel a sense of belonging and be proud of themselves and their achievements. As a result, they will feel more comfortable taking on new challenges and exploring their sense of self. 

Increases Empathy

If your child can learn about the hardships of others, they will become more empathetic. It will broaden their minds and give them another perspective on life. This means that they will behave more compassionately towards others, be non-judgemental and generally just understand that life isn’t always as black and white as it may seem. As a result, they may potentially have a stronger sense of gratitude for their own lives. 

Improves Academic Performance

Children who are able to develop soft skills outside of school, have a strong sense of belong and purpose and build strong relationships with members of the community, will likely perform better in school. They will have the confidence to engage in classroom discussions, have a positive attitude and may even start to feel passionate about a particular career route that they can work towards.

As parents, we have a responsibility to our children to help them develop a strong sense of respect for others. Encouraging them to take part in community activities can certainly help and contribute to making the world a better, kinder place. 

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