Why Incontinence Should Not Ruin Your Golden Years

19th October 2022

The golden years can be the best part of your life, provided you are all set for a happy retirement. You can travel and enjoy the leisure of doing nothing as you need not worry about making money and raising kids. But the other side of the picture can seem bleak because ageing woes and health issues can make life challenging.

A healthy lifestyle can lower your risk factor for chronic conditions. But urinary incontinence is one of the widespread conditions seniors come across. A leaky bladder is not life-threatening, but it makes you uncomfortable and apprehensive. However, the good thing is that incontinence is manageable. Let us explain why it should not ruin your golden years.

A normal part of ageing

Incontinence has more than physical implications because it can also affect your mental well-being. You may lose confidence and self-esteem as a leaky bladder can embarrass you in public. In fact, you may even feel apprehensive about discussing the condition with your partner and loved ones. But knowing that incontinence is a normal part of ageing helps. Consider it like other symptoms of ageing, such as hair loss and greying, wrinkles, weight gain, and low libido. Accepting the condition enables you to deal with it and prevent it from ruining the best years of your life.

Leaks are easy to manage

Urinary incontinence can make life uncomfortable, specifically for active seniors who enjoy working out, socializing, and travelling. The thought of encountering a leak at the gym, in a restaurant, or on a flight can be stressful. But the good thing is that leaks are easy to manage. You can try products like Zorbies Reusable incontinence panties to keep you clean and dry for hours. These garments are like regular underwear, so you need not worry about them peeking out or causing discomfort like heavy adult diapers. Even better, you can wash and reuse them, so they will not press your monthly budget.

Treatable with lifestyle changes

Another reason to ditch worries about urinary incontinence is that it is mostly treatable with some simple lifestyle changes. You can tailor your diet to eliminate the incontinence triggers and avoid liquids after late evening. Weight management and Kegel exercises are other effective measures to reverse the condition. Scheduling toilet trips helps train your bladder to hold for longer. Your healthcare provider may evaluate your prescription medications and suggest substitutes because some medicines can irritate the bladder and cause it to leak. Medicines, medical devices, surgery, and electrical stimulation are other options if lifestyle changes do not help. But most cases are treatable with natural remedies, so you need not stress much about handling incontinence.

Stepping into your golden years can be liberating after years of hard work to earn money and raise a family. But health issues may affect your quality of life. Urinary incontinence is one of the less serious but more disconcerting problems, as it can hamper your confidence. However, you should not let it ruin your golden years because it is manageable and treatable.

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