These Tips Will Help You to Take Your Fitness Journey Outside

12th February 2021

Summer isn’t too far away, and when the warmer weather does hit, you will soon find that you have endless opportunities to get fit and moving once more. You may not want to give up your gym or your studio workouts at all, and this is understandable, but there are ways for you to incorporate the great outdoors into your routine without compromising anything else.


Know your Territory

The first step for making the most out of your outdoor workout would be for you to try and make sure that you know your area. If you have regular access to woods, water or even running trails then this is great but if you are used to city streets then you may find hopping across rivers hard work. If you don’t have a lot of green space, then it may be worth venturing further afield so you can find the ideal exercise spot for you. Your workout location will go a long way when it comes to determining the workout that you want to do.

Take in the Elements

The biggest reason why people choose to exercise indoors is because they want to try and avoid the elements. Aside from heatstroke, or even hypothermia, you may find that temperature variations are good for you. When you shiver or when you sweat, you will be burning way more calories than you think, and this can work in your favour. On top of this, outdoor light can benefit you in a way that your office light can’t. It can help you to regulate your sleep more and you may even find that you are able to boost your health even more. If you struggle with the elements because of your sensitive skin, or if you experience dry or inflamed skin then simply look up how to get rid of rosacea, or find a skin treatment that you can use to protect your skin while you work out.

Move in Every Direction

Remember that most of the time, you are not limited to just following the trails in your area. If you see a large rock, don’t be afraid to climb up it. If you see a steep hill that is a bit off the beaten path then consider running up it. Little things like this can help you to make the most out of your fitness journey. It can also help you to push your body in more ways than one and this can work in your favour much more than you realise.

Team up with a Buddy

There are so many fitness apps out there that help you to run virtual routes. You may be stuck in your local town if you don’t have a car, but with the help of an app, you may find yourself running around the streets of New York, Spain or even Paris. Some of the apps that are out there give you the chance to team up with someone else and race to the end of a route, virtually. This can help you far more than you realise and it can also help you to really push yourself. Some of the apps you can explore include Walk the Distance and World Walking if you need a starting point.

If you’re cycling, you can also use gadgets like a bike power meter, which can help you check if you are progressing or lagging behind your targets. A power meter will give you valuable information on how much power you are exerting on your cycling exercise routine, so you will know if you need to expend more energy or up your pace to burn more calories.

This is a collaborative post.

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