Simple Ways to Create a Healthier Home

24th September 2019

Bring some greenery into your home  (Pexels Licence)

Your home should be the place where you relax and unwind. It should be conducive to both your physical and mental health. But if your home is making you unwell in any way, then you need to make a few changes.

In this article, we have some suggestions that we hope you find useful.

#1: Create more space

A tidy house is a tidy mind, or so they say. But if your home is less than tidy, perhaps because of the clutter that has permeated your surroundings, then you might well be feeling the knock-on effects to your mental health. Of course, you might also be feeling the physical effects too if you’re constantly stepping on and knocking into things!

Now, if you had the budget to do so, you might renovate your home using the latest architectural practices to give you more space. And while we would recommend this, you might also make simple changes to your home if your budget or stress level doesn’t accommodate a home renovation. So, you might want to purchase new storage items for those rooms that accumulate the most clutter. Or you might want to have a decluttering session; throwing out, donating, or selling any items that are now surplus to requirements. 

#2: Bring in more natural light

The more natural light you have coming into your home, the better. Scientifically proven to elevate your mood, this is an excellent way to combat feelings of anxiety and depression. So, if your home is a little on the dark side, you should make an effort to bring more light in.

On a simple level, you might clean your windows on a regular basis, cut back any trees or bushes outside,  and swap heavy-set curtains with something lighter. If you have the money to spend, you might also increase the width of your window panes, and replace solid doors with those that contain glass panels. 

Adding more reflective surfaces to your home can also help, as the light will bounce from one surface to the next, and will transform both your drab interiors and your darkened mind. 

#3: Bring some greenery into your home

Not only will a few indoor plants lift your mood because of their visual appeal, but because they also release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, they make the air in your home safer to breathe too! Now, you could simply buy a few potted plants from your local garden centre, but why not be a little more creative? By using these decorating ideas, you can incorporate nature’s greenery into your home in some very clever ways. This will both improve your mood and the overall look of your home.

#4: Keep a cleaner home

Finally, this needs to be your priority when trying to create a healthier home. Bacteria will spread otherwise, leaving you and your family more prone to germ-related illnesses and infections. Cleaning will do wonders for your mood too, because let’s face it, seeing a sink filled with week-old dirty dishes is not conducive to good mental health! Use our cleaning tips to make light work of any of your household chores, and then benefit on both a mental and a physical level from your hard work. 

We hope these tips were useful to you, but if you have any other ideas for our readers, please share your suggestions with us.

This is a collaborative post.

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