Side Hustle Success: The Best Choices For Busy Parents

6th September 2018


Juggling work with parenthood can be tricky- the issue is that parenthood requires you to be incredibly flexible. Even when children are at school for a good chunk of the day, you need to be able to get to them if they’re unwell and you’ll of course want to be there for things like parents evenings, school plays, sports days and other occasions. Most types of employment simply don’t allow for this kind of flexibility and can often require you to pay for childcare that takes almost all of your earnings. For this reason, as a parent, it’s worth having a source of income that’s flexible. Something you can pick up when you want, choose your own hours and fit work around your life- instead of trying to fit your life around work. These days, there are a number of ways you can earn money from home in a flexible way which is fantastic for parents. Here are just a few ideas.

Start a blog

Blogging isn’t the kind of thing that you can set up and start earning money from right away. It takes time, patience and persistence to build up a website that advertisers will want to spend money on to work with you. So at first, see your blog as a hobby. Use it as a way to write about the things you’re passionate about, teach yourself about social media networking, basic coding and improve your writing and photography skills. If you work hard and create something worthwhile then eventually, you should start to be contacted for paid work. Some of the ways you can improve your odds of making money with your site is to invest in a professional looking blog design – you can actually buy these cheaply on Etsy. Purchase a domain for your blog too, they’re only a few pounds a year and there’s lots of advice on how to do this online. Lots of companies will only work with bloggers who have their own domain.

Create a home business

A home business is a great way to earn money, and allows you to spend your time working on something you genuinely care about. Since you’re the boss, you can choose the hours and make it fit perfectly around your life. You could work part-time on it getting things established while your children are small, by the time they’re ready to leave for school everything will be in place and something you can push forward, grow and earn good money from. There is lots of great software out there that can automate entire areas as well as make your life easier. Jumio can verify your customers which is useful from a security point of view. Other software will track your accounts, manage your customer lists and create legally binding documents. Regardless of what you do, there will be programs out there you can utilise.

Find a home based position

While working from home does still mean you have an employer to answer to and a set workload to do, it can be far more flexible. First of all, there’s no commute or travel time to and from work. Secondly, the workload itself is likely to be more flexible. You’ll have a deadline to have your work done by, but you can choose the way you work and the hours during the day you choose. Instead of having to be in a workplace from nine til five, you can work around your other commitments.

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