New Year, New You: How to Look Out for Your Health in 2019

3rd January 2019

With the beginning of a new year now in full swing, many people are making the decision to take control of their health and have 2019 be the year they become fit, healthy, and energetic people. There is a good reason for this as well, as the start of a new year is a clean slate that you can build up from to become the best version of yourself possible. To help you to get started in this endeavour, this quick guide will take you through essential information you need to start your journey on the road to success.

Start big

Many people make the mistake of starting too small when they want to see change in their lives, and this often proves an ineffective method. If you want to see a proper positive change in your health, then you need to take whatever your biggest problem is and tackle it head-on.

For example, if you have an addiction issue, this would be something you would address right from the start by seeking out professionals at Epiphany Sober Living and finding a way to kick the habit for good with the aid of those who know best. With this major milestone being confronted, every other change you make for the benefit of your health will be a breeze, and you will end 2019 better than ever.

It’s all in your head

When it comes to health there is an overwhelming focus on the body, but the mind is just as important in keeping you healthy. A healthy mind makes for a happy person, which is just one of the many benefits of meditation that makes it the perfect addition to your morning routine. This will help you to re-centre, reflect on the day past, and get ready for the new.

Hard day’s night

Linked to the importance of the health of your mind, your sleeping pattern is going to have a huge effect on your health and, in regard to the physical side of things, inhibit your ability to exercise and get outside.

To aid in this, you will need to find tips to help you get better sleep naturally, such as drinking chamomile tea, using lavender oil, or having a bath before bed to aid you getting at least eight hours a night.

Keep it simple

Finally, you will want to cover the two basics of health in 2019, which are diet and fitness. This doesn’t require you to take a crash diet or fitness challenge (as these can often make things worse) but rather introduce simple things into your life to improve your health.


You can find exercise guides for beginners that will help you to see what workouts you can do at home and tailor them to your needs.


Changing your diet doesn’t mean going on a diet and having to give up all the food you love. The two basic principles that you need to remember are:

  1. Add more vegetables and fruit to your meals
  2. Eat everything in moderation

Furthermore, it is essential not to starve yourself from certain food groups. Allow yourself to have the occasional treat, otherwise you run the risk of binge eating.

This is a collaborative post.

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