Teaching Your Child to Use Social Media Responsibly

24th March 2023

We’re all on social media, us parents included. It has amazing benefits and can help you connect with friends and family. However, there are also lots of dangers which both parents and children should be educated on, like how to deal with cyberbullying and online privacy. Here is some advice that was shared with us by an independent girls school on the topic and tips to ensure that your child stays safe online.

Excessive Use and Setting Limits

While social media allows them to stay in touch with their friends and family, excessive use isn’t particularly good for children as what we see online influences our thinking. On social media, that includes edited images which can warp their view of reality and lead to children developing body image issues. Research highlights a connection between prolonged use and an increased risk of developing anxiety, depression, and body image issues. To keep an eye on your child’s social media usage, we recommend implementing device restrictions which will give you tighter control over how long they spend on each of the platforms.


As for privacy, there are lots of ways to limit what others can see. First, your child should take ownership of what they post and ask themselves whether what they are putting out is appropriate. Secondly, there are a range of privacy settings that can be utilised allowing them to control who can message them and find them on the platforms. 

Dealing with Bullies

Unfortunately, there’s a lot of nastiness online. Just as they would at school, your child can report and ignore the bullies. The platforms allow you to report any abusive, harassing, and inappropriate behaviour and can take action if they see fit. They can also put an end to the messages by blocking the accounts and utilising the privacy settings available.

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