How to Teach Your Kids the Lessons of Resilience

2nd August 2022

Parenting is hard work because you have to think beyond fulfilling the needs of your kids. Developing their personalities is equally crucial, and it requires imbibing positive values and traits in them. Resilience is a significant quality every parent should pursue as a part of their parenting goals. A resilient child is ready to face challenges, cope with adversities, and emerge as a winner in the game of life. But teaching the lessons of resilience requires a strategic approach. Here are some tips parents can rely on to fulfil the goal. 

Let them struggle

Although you may want to provide certainty and comfort to your kids, overdoing things does more harm than good. Let your children struggle and step out of their comfort zone as it enables them to develop problem-solving skills. Be there for the child, but do not solve their problems from start to end. Remember that being overprotective only fuels their anxiety and makes you a stressed parent.

Help them find a purpose

Resilience comes when people face challenges to reach a goal. Help your child find a purpose and encourage them to chase it with passion and conviction. Ensure that they take failure in a stride because things do not always work the way you want them. You can also suggest ways to achieve their goals, though it is vital to maintain a distance and let them pick their battles. Celebrate small wins, and boost them when they lose.

Explain the power of prayer

Spiritual strength is a factor that breeds resilience, and prayer is the best way to make your child spiritually strong. Explain the power of prayer with real-life examples. You can talk about Wyoming Carmelites and even take our kids for a monastery visit. Seeing how these monks lead a life of rigorous prayer and hard work can inspire them. It is the best lesson you can teach without being too preachy. Also, start a family prayer ritual at home to ensure regularity. 

Avoid eliminating risks

As a parent, you want to keep your kids safe from daily risks and bigger threats. But eliminating all risks actually robs them of resilience. Trust your kids because they have the same instincts as you, so they can deal with risks that come their way. Start early by providing them with age-appropriate freedom. They learn their limits and develop their coping strategies. These qualities make them more resilient people as they grow up.

Model adaptability

The best parenting lessons are often not taught verbally but by action. Children often learn a lot by observing their parents’ behaviour. Model adaptability to show that things get better amid a crisis if you handle them differently. Being calm and consistent gives your kids a lesson about controlling their emotions during challenging times. The more conscious you are, the better for your children. 

Resiliency can help your children navigate the inevitable trials, tribulations, and triumphs of life. They are in a better place to face unavoidable stressors and beat them with their courage and inner strength.

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