How to Teach Empathy to Kids

24th January 2023

Empathy is at the root of what it truly means to be human. It is the basic foundation for being kind, having strong relationships as well as professional success. It is key for preventing cruelty and understanding others better. Empathy allows individuals to walk in another’s shoes and see life from their perspective. This includes valuing their opinion and living in harmony with one another. So, how can this be taught to young ones? Quite easily is the answer. Through regular practices in the home, your child will find that empathy will come to them naturally. Here is some advice from one of the top boarding schools around, on how to teach empathy to kids. 

Build their emotional vocabulary

In order for a child to be empathetic, not only do they need to understand it, but they need to know how to verbally communicate it. Many children have limited knowledge when it comes to their emotions, which can make the process of understanding the way others feel difficult. When you notice your child is frustrated or feeling overwhelmed, be sure to identify and name the emotion that they are feeling. This is also a great way to help avoid big tantrums. 

Practice acts of kindness

These are simple acts of kindness that are done for others, with no expectation of anything in return. You can do this with your child from very early on. This could be helping tidy up the kitchen, holding a door open or a simple warm hug. It is important for your child to understand that the reward of empathy is not something materialistic, but the feeling of satisfaction by making someone feel at ease.

Be patient

Developing empathy will take time. Toddlers have one mindset and it is all about them! Everyone progresses at different rates so be patient if you find your child isn’t there just yet. Once they have got a grasp of it, it will continue to develop as they grow up.  

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