How to Protect Yourself in the Workplace

12th March 2020

No matter what your line of work may be, every place of work comes with its own unique risks and dangers that you need to be aware of and actively avoid.


Getting an injury on the job and potentially having to take time off is a scary and stressful situation that no one wants to have to endure, as it puts pressure on you and your family, stops you from doing a job you enjoy, and means you have to go through a potentially lengthy recovery process.

To help you avoid this situation but also know what to do should it occur despite your best efforts, this handy guide will take you through the three best ways you can protect yourself from injury in the workplace so that you are able to do your job to the best of your ability and get on with your life.

Get your boss to go the extra mile

The first way to keep healthy and safe in your workplace is to help your bosses and managers understand the importance of health and safety in the workplace. If you work, for example, on a construction site, this is something that will be a top priority to your bosses as there are clear issues that need to be addressed. However, if you work in an office, the risks might not be so obvious. Injuries such as repetitive strain and trip hazards are commonplace and can take you out of action for weeks at a time. Petition your boss to do annual and comprehensive health and safety training in your workplace to ensure everyone is working together to avoid getting hurt when trying to make a living.

Take the right precautions

Secondly, you need to be aware of what you can do as an individual to help prevent the potential causes of accidents and injuries where you work. Some of the things you can do to avoid injury include:

Getting the legal help you need

Finally, if, despite your best efforts, you have still sustained a workplace injury from a preventable accident, you need to know what steps to take next.

First, turn to a personal injury attorney to get some advice about making a personal injury claim by talking to a legal expert who can guide you through the process.

If you’ve broken a bone, lost a limb, been cut, twisted an ankle or sustained a burn whilst working, you should reach out to a workplace injury law firm. No injury is too small – if it’s caused pain and suffering, you’re entitled to compensation. Even a cough from breathing dust can be claimed against if it’s harmed your ability to work.

Seeking out a personal claim when injured at work is the best way to seek justice but also to get the compensation you need to keep you and your family going while you are absent from work and focusing on your recovery.

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