How to Avoid Wasps

26th May 2020

As summer approaches, we’re getting ready to spend more time outdoors with friends and family, whether that’s BBQs, picnics or just enjoying the great outdoors on sunny walks. But as anyone who’s attempted a picnic or tried to relax with a drink in their garden will know, wasps can be a burden at this time of year. Wasps might be beneficial to our ecosystem and in helping to control garden pests like weevils and greenfly, but they can also be a nuisance. And if you’re unlucky enough to get stung by one, they can also be extremely painful. 


As Empire Pest Control point out, wasps are naturally drawn to sugary substances which is why they can be irritating when you’re trying to eat or drink outside in the spring and summer. Here are some tips on how to enjoy your time outdoors in peace without wasps bothering you, and how to keep them out of your home or workspace. 

Picnicking Without Wasps

It’s a misconception that wasps are more aggressive than bees – it’s simply the case that a wasp’s food requirements mirror our own. Bees get everything they need to survive from plants and flowers, so they don’t need to bother humans. As omnivores, wasps need protein from meat which they typically get from other insects such as bugs or spiders. But when they miss an opportunity to catch another insect, they’ll take the easier route and forage for food that’s laying out such as a picnic or BBQ. 

In order to stop wasps stinging you when you’re trying to enjoy your meal outside, it’s important to carefully dispose of any food and drinks containers when you’re done with them, as well as never leaving sugary drinks unattended. A good idea is to place a coaster on top of your glass when you’re not drinking from it to prevent wasps from getting in. When you’re finished eating, make sure you clean the area thoroughly to prevent wasps from swarming to the area.

When a wasp comes near us, it’s instinctual to swat it away but don’t – wasps see this as a threat and will be more likely to sting you as a result. Instead, if a wasp lands on you or flies near you, stay still and let it fly off in its own time. Repelling wasps can also be effective when you’re eating or drinking outside. Wasps don’t like the scent of cucumbers, as the vegetable has an acid property that repels wasps, so putting out sliced cucumbers can help keep wasps away, as can the scent of peppermint oil. Wasp-preventing plants in your garden are also a good idea – mint, lemongrass and wormwood are all great choices. 

Keeping Wasps Out of Your Office

Offices can become a hot-spot for wasps in the summer, as they’re warm and often taller buildings which makes them prime locations for wasps which prefer to nest higher up. But there are things you can do to prevent wasps from becoming bothersome in the summer. Insect screens on doors and windows are a great way of preventing wasps from getting into the workplace while still allowing for plenty of natural ventilation. It’s also a good idea to keep sweet drinks and bowls of fruit or sugary treats away from the window, as these can lure wasps in. 

Ensuring Wasps Don’t Enter the Home 

The best way to prevent wasps from entering your home is to maintain the structure of your home. Take a walk around the property and check for any gaps or areas in the structure that could be a potential entrance for wasps to nest inside. It’s also a good idea to check your garden for any holes or burrows that wasps may make a home in. 

However, if you suspect you have a wasp nest in your home, or you find one, don’t attempt to tackle it yourself. Wasps are very territorial insects and can swiftly become aggressive if threatened, so it’s a good idea to contact pest control professionals who can deal with the nest safely and efficiently. They have the experience and protective equipment to deal with wasps properly, as well as being able to provide you with advice and guidance on how to prevent wasps in the future.

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