Great Features for a Family SUV

5th November 2021

SUVs have been taking over the automotive industry over the past twenty years. Compared to sedans, they have more space, more comfort, and many other features a car just can’t provide. SUVs are especially great for families, regardless of age. Nearly every car manufacturer makes a form of SUV, so finding the perfect one for you and your family should be no problem at all. However, there are some features that you should be on the lookout for — features that will benefit a family that is on the move and active. Here are some features that will complement a family and the SUV they decide to purchase. 

Vacuum Cleaner

There is one known fact about kids: they can be very messy. Undeveloped motor skills and an innocent worldview will have them dumping goldfish all over a clean seat with hesitation. Snacks, drinks, it’s all fair game. Knowing that your SUV is going to get dirty, it’s important to have a way to clean it. Even though some elbow grease and some rags can do the job, a vacuum cleaner is near unmatched. A vacuum cleaner built into an SUV is even better. With this innovation, cleaning a car only takes minutes, and you don’t need to lug out cumbersome cleaning equipment. 

Wifi/Wireless Connectivity

Another new feature of modern cars is the ability to create a wifi hotspot, emanating from the car itself. Nowadays, almost every electronic device connects to the internet. Cellphones, iPads, game devices, etc. Having a reliable source of wifi helps keep a family connected, entertained, and productive during long trips in an SUV. This is a very beneficial feature during road trips, camping, and family vacations. Speaking of camping, here are 10 tips for camping with kids

Safety Features

And finally, the safety features of an SUV are paramount. SUVs provide for safety than smaller cars, this is because of more space for safety features and the sheer mass of the vehicle. Most SUVs have surrounding airbags — airbags protecting every passenger in an SUV, front and back. Other great features include a backup camera, to know if an obstacle or small child is in your blind spot. Brake assistance and collision avoidance are bonus features to be on the lookout for. If you’re looking for safety features or COBB Tuning, contact the auto experts at Apollo Optics today.

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