Get Rid of Proposal Nerves with These Tips

12th July 2019

Proposing can feel like a big responsibility. Traditionally, it’s the man who proposes, although these days, anything goes. Women can propose too, and sometimes there might not even be a man in the relationship – or perhaps two of them. But regardless of who is proposing, it can stir up some nerves and jitters. Keeping calm before you pop the question can be tough, but a few things can help.

Be Confident About the Answer

Firstly, be as confident as you can about getting a “yes”. That means knowing that your partner actually wants to get married, and that they want to do it within the next year or two. Try to think positively too so you can feel more confident.

Give It a Run-through

Practising what you’re going to stay is very helpful before you propose. If you don’t want to be stumbling over your words, knowing what you’re going to say and rehearsing it a few times can help. You can practise in front of a mirror or even to friends.

Avoid Dutch Courage

While it might be tempting to have a little tipple to give you some extra bravery, it’s best not to. You don’t want to be drunk or even tipsy when you propose. Your other half may not appreciate it, and you want your mind to be crystal clear.

Follow Some Simple Proposal Rules

There are various things to do and not do when you’re planning a proposal. It can seem daunting, but a lot of the things to consider are just common sense.

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