Five Tips to Help You Progress in Your Career

13th April 2020

For some, opportunities just seem to fall into their laps. If that isn’t you, don’t worry. You can progress in your career or even jump into a new career just as well as anyone else. When luck doesn’t seem to be on your side, however, you will need to strategize. It can be hard at first to get into the rhythm of things, but once you have, you will improve your skills, meet the right people, and of course get used to going after opportunities until you achieve all of your goals. Though everyone’s path will be different, these five tips are universal.


Take Care of Your Health

The first step to progressing your career is to improve your productivity. You have to make opportunities for yourself, which means you need the energy to keep going throughout the day. If you feel lethargic, sick, or fatigued, you cannot do this. That is why you need to eat well, sleep well, and exercise. Otherwise, you won’t have the energy or the means to be the go-getter you need to be.

Have a Strong Support Group

When you need to, ask for help. Take that advice. Your loved ones and friends care about you and want to help. You don’t want to take advantage of them, but you also don’t want to ignore their offers. Instead, be honest about your capabilities and work together. Just remember to help them in turn when they need it.

Attend Industry Events

Try to attend as many industry events as you can, from conferences to summits or workshops. You can learn new skills from great public speakers like Sam Haskell as well as meet new people. Building relationships with people in your industry is so important. Networking and making connections are what will help you to stand out, and these events offer a place for you to meet key figures that you may not meet otherwise.

Networking is the key to success, whether you are running your own business or just want to progress in your chosen career.

Learn and Progress

Learning and progressing should be a daily task for everyone. This can be more directed with a degree, or it can be entirely free. The amount of financial requirement depends on the quality of information you want and your goals. For some, it can be worthwhile to invest in a news subscription in your industry, for others who need a certification to progress in their careers, a degree is needed.

On Your Own

There are so many resources you can turn to when you want to learn on your own:

With a Degree

Online education has improved massively, meaning you have so many possibilities at your fingertips. You could enrol in an online degree and enjoy learning and achieving formal qualifications at your own pace right from home. Learning online means there is no commute, visa, or other barriers that would have previously held you back.

Improve Your Reputation

There are many ways that you can improve your reputation both in and out of your company. In your company you should try speaking up more, offering suggestions, or even just organizing after-work drinks. Become integral to some aspect of work so that your co-workers remember you, rely on you, and like you.

Outside of work, you can start a blog, offer your expertise to journalists, or even freelance.

This is a collaborative post.

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