Falls: Risk Factors and Prevention

25th February 2020

Falls can affect everybody and can happen at any time. As you grow older, the risk of falling increases, and so does the severity of the injuries. According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, falls are one of the leading causes of injuries, especially to the elderly. Falls often result in serious injuries, some of which may be fatal.


Some of the common injuries include cuts, brain injuries, hip fractures, spine fractures and arm fractures. A fall can change the lifestyle of a senior person by taking away their independence. Fortunately, there are several measures you can put in place to prevent falls from happening.

Causes of Falls

As you grow older, you are at a higher risk of falling due to poor medical conditions. Some of the common medical risk factors include:

Apart from medical conditions, other personal risk factors may increase your chances of falling. Some of these factors include:

How to Minimize The Number of Falls

Clean up as you go

An untidy environment increases the risks of falls happening. It would help if you cleaned up your surroundings by removing unwanted materials from pathways. A senior person can easily trip and fall when there is clutter all around, especially if they have poor eyesight.

Repair damaged floors

You need to examine every room in your home or office and ensure that the floors are in their best state. If your floors are damaged, you can visit https://impactfloors.co.uk/sectors/industrial-flooring/ to purchase the right flooring. Additionally, ensure that there are no loose carpets in any room and make the necessary changes to prevent falls from occurring effectively.

Get rid of tripping hazards

Some tripping hazards may include cords stretching from wall outlets, slippery floors or even a flight of stairs. If you have a vision problem, or if you occasionally become dizzy, such items may easily lead to falls.

Understand the effects of medication

If you take care of a senior, you need to understand the side effects of the drugs they take and make appropriate preparations. Some medicines are known to cause drowsiness and imbalance problems. Therefore, it would help if you cleared the floor to prevent trip and fall. You may also want to install handrails and grab bars to support and assist them in moving around with ease.


There are several steps you can take to minimize the number of falls. However, the most important thing you can do is prevent any chances of falling. You can do so by staying fit and healthy by having an exercise plan and sticking to a healthy diet.

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