Effective Time Management Tips to Consider as a Childcare Centre Owner

13th May 2021

As the owner of a childcare business, you are truly an artist. You are a designer of classroom space, a conductor of lessons, and a choreographer of schedules. You are a juggler of tasks for teachers, a composer of communication to parents, and a singer of praise for your students. With all these hats that you wear every day, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. It turns out there is another art that you must practise to effectively run your business and organise your life: the art of time management. 

By finding ways to effectively manage the essential functions of your service, you can improve not only your quality of work and personal life but also the quality of your childcare centre. Check out these tips for organising your time so you can master the art of managing your business in the most efficient way possible.

Write It Down

When you are dealing with an overwhelming number of balls in the air, you have to find a way to organise them. The best first step is to write it all down. Your brain can see this as making a plan so that you may feel immediately be less stressed. In addition, the process helps you to sort through the jumble of responsibilities one at a time.

Make lists of items to be accomplished, divide these tasks into categories, and prioritise the categories based on importance or chronological order to be completed. You can set your tasks up as a checklist or attach them to a calendar. You may find the process of crossing off your to-do list is even more satisfying than the process of creating it!

Implement Structures

You can be a much more efficient juggler if you have clear systems implemented for managing all those brightly coloured balls! Well-built, organised structures to accomplish time-consuming functions such as enrollment, tuition, attendance, staffing needs and communication free up valuable time and make your daily work experience less stressful. Technology is an extremely valuable tool for simplifying and expediting these essential business tasks. Electronic systems like the one here offer easy tracking of payments, student check-ins, and parent communications, streamlining these cumbersome tasks and saving you time.


Running a business should not be a solo act. Resist the urge to try to do it all yourself, and learn to delegate. Enlist help from teachers, parents and community volunteers. Once you have your enrollment, tuition, attendance, staffing and communication structures in place, delegate them to a trusted team. 

Create a management hierarchy at your centre by rewarding your most trusted employees with promotions to team leaders or assistant directors, and turn over some of your responsibilities to them. A large load of tasks that would overwhelm a single person can be much more easily managed when spread across a group.


To manage time effectively, you have to learn to compartmentalise. When you operate your own business, it’s easy to let work tasks creep into your home life, but you want to keep them separate. Set timers, use calendars, employ electronic time management systems to block off specific hours to work, and then stick to the plan. 

Suppose you work from your house, set aside a specific area for your job that you can put away or close off when it’s quitting time for the day. Finally, beware of procrastination. Putting tasks off can cause your work to snowball, creating more stress and sabotaging efforts to effectively organise your day.

Running a childcare centre does not have to be an overwhelming task. Mastering the art of time management is a crucial part of finding a good work/life balance.

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