Do You Know How to Take Proper Care of Yourself?

19th March 2020


Let’s face it, the modern world is seriously hectic. The pace of the world we live in is often so fast that it can feel close to impossible to keep up with everything. Between work, family, chores, and trying to maintain some semblance of a social life, it can feel like you’re constantly running around to the point of exhaustion. This is especially true for those of us who tend to feel responsible for taking care of the people around us. After all, if you’re constantly looking after everyone else, how much time are you spending looking after yourself. With that in mind, here are some ways to really start taking care of yourself.

Do nothing 

Here’s a question: when was the last time that you just didn’t do anything for a while? In all likelihood, the answer to that question is “a good while ago!” So why not give it a try. Run yourself a bath, play some relaxing music, look up how to take CBD oil. Find your own way to relax and just forget about the world for a while. The most important thing you can remember is that there’s nothing wrong with needing a little bit of “me time” where you don’t do a single thing.

Learn when to say no

Far too often a lot of us behave as though it would be near impossible to turn down any request made of us. Whether it’s your family, your boss, or your friends, it’s like we’re all hard-wired to agree to just about anything. Well, as shocking as this might sound, you’re fully entitled to say no sometimes. Sure, helping people when you can is great but if you’re forced to make a choice between agreeing to something and taking care of your own wellbeing, you should always be willing to put yourself first whenever you can.

Be willing to ask for help

There’s a strange attitude that a lot of us have that we somehow need to be able to handle everything that life throws at us entirely by ourselves. And sure, an independent spirit is great and it’s always good to try to forge your own path. However, if you’re struggling then the worst thing you can do is to just keep going by yourself. As hard as it might be, one of the most important skills that anyone can learn is how to ask for help from those around them.

A lot of the time the world tries to tell you that there is some kind of virtue in giving all the time without ever asking for anything in return. And sure, selflessness is a pretty admirable quality. However, if you spend your time only worrying about other people then the chances of your burning out entirely are pretty high. If that happens, not only are you not going to be able to take care of anyone else, but you’re not going to be able to take care of yourself either.

This is a collaborative post.

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