Dining Out With a Toddler- A Survival Guide You Can Rely On

12th September 2022

Having a toddler in the family means fewer outings as it is often challenging to control the little ones. They may throw unexpected tantrums or get rowdy, which are the last things you want to deal with at a posh restaurant. You may even avoid local eateries and small joints. In fact, many American families say goodbye to fine dining for a few years until the little ones are old enough to understand restaurant etiquette. But you will probably miss your outings and want to ensure that your kid experiences the joy of eating out. Here is a survival guide to breeze through restaurant meals with a toddler.

Prepare for the outing

Preparing for an outing with a toddler is the key to a good one. Ensure having something to keep the little one busy while you enjoy the meal with your partner. You can carry their favourite toy, a colouring book, or a puzzle, but it shouldn’t be messy or noisy. Your child is less likely to throw a tantrum when they are busy or distracted. Act smartly and be ready for the experience with a bag full of goodies to keep them entertained!

Give a lesson on discipline

Although a little one may not understand the nitty-gritty of restaurant etiquette, a lesson on discipline is a good prep tip. You can practice obedience at home and ensure that the child listens to your instructions. Know what stresses your little one, and avoid such triggers at home and while dining out. The good thing is that a firm parental approach helps your child in the long run.

Choose the restaurant wisely

This one is a no-brainer because you will probably want to dine at a kids-friendly place. Avoid posh places as you may feel stressed about things going wrong with the toddler. Consider planning a visit to a theme park and taking your kid to a restaurant there to make the experience enjoyable. A few good times are enough to help them learn to behave well. You can check the best local options and their menus. For example, search for places that serve Top Food in Lafayette and check their menu online. Finalise it if you see some of your toddler’s favourites on the menu.

Think about seating

Besides choosing the restaurant wisely, you must pick the right seat once you are there. Toddlers are more comfortable at the corner tables because they have plenty of room to move. Moreover, they are less likely to disturb other diners or attract attention when away from the centre. You can book a corner table in advance or request the manager to provide it for you. 

Time it right

An enjoyable restaurant visit also boils down to the right timing. Avoid a clash with the toddler’s sleep routine because you will not want to deal with a cranky or restless kid. Consider eating a little earlier than the rush hours because little ones are not comfortable in crowded spaces. You can also choose weekdays instead of weekends to get a more relaxed vibe.

Dining out with a toddler can be easy and enjoyable, provided you plan well and choose wisely. Follow these simple tips, and ensure that the little one has a good time and looks forward to the next visit.

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